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The Exploding Universe
Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis
Citation:   magic aum rock. "The Exploding Universe: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis (exp18496)". Dec 11, 2022.

5 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
  0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
Last week I was feeling sort of dazed and depressed. Nothing big, just a mild seasonal malaise. Not the best time to experiment with psychedelic-ish drugs, of course. But for some reason, for me at least, the two coincide more often than they should.

Anyway - I had my eye on a patch of amanita muscaria growing just off a bike path up in the woods north of campus. I've been planning to try them for awhile. On thursday my curiosity got the best of me. I gathered up a half dozen on impulse, dried them in a jerky drier, pulverized them and threw em in a pot of water and let it boil down to a thin, yellow gruel. I dried the remaining sludge in the oven and came away with thin, flaky little wafers of concentrated, slightly burnt mushroom stuff. Absolutely disgusting. I ate as much as I could stomach in ten minutes, about 5 g. There was a bit more but after ten minutes I was feeling premonitions of a horrible nausea. I took a few bites of an apple to get the taste out of my mouth.

Somehow I managed to roll a smokeable joint and suck down about half of it. I was already starting to feel like my consciousness was being pried out of my head with a massive crowbar. It was comparable to the onset of ketamine or PCP, not quite as rapid, not as heavy. Well, heavy in a different sense. Not the black-hole anaesthetized kind of heavy. As soon as I took a few hits, my goose was cooked, I knew it, I felt something immensely powerful coming. It felt like the whole universe was vibrating like a tuning fork.

Then things collapsed. I woke up in a closed-eye delusion/hallucination that seemed lucid at the time. I thought I was dead, experiencing eternity as a ball of energy - like the big bang, expanding and collapsing millions of times each second. Secrets were being revealed to me by some mysterious entity, which turned out to be me. It's impossible to describe other than to say I was utterly convinced that this was IT. Oddly, I was also sure that I had died in a car accident, that I was on LSD and that the hindu religion was right. This last thing was probably a subconscious connection to my reading somewhere that amanita muscaria was mentioned in the rig veda.

After believing this I was ready to be born again. I thought 'here we go!' and saw the bright lights, thought I was beginning life anew, but haahaa I still remember everything and wait a minute this amniotic fluid tastes like vomit....
wait a minute this amniotic fluid tastes like vomit....
So after a very confusing five minutes of writhing around on my bed, in and out of consciousness, several times in fact I thought my surroundings were a joke or unreal or leftover impressions from my past life, but gradually I began to take in the fact that I was still alive in this present world, covered in my own vomit, in the same old room, also vomit strewn and also still quite nauseous. I got out of bed, went over to the mirror and saw a wild eyed stranger. I collapsed on the floor and draped myself in a coat and a bath towel. Luckily I slept, or at least have no memory of this portion of the experience.

I'd taken the stuff at around ten. The next day I woke up around six AM to a very sick body. Clumps of vomit everywhere, face caked in putrid yellow crust.

My neighbors asked me the next day if I was alright. I remembered that I had yelled when some of the cosmic revelations were disclosed to me, apparently rather loudly. Everyone in the hall heard. A few people knocked on my door and asked if I was okay. They told me they heard me alternately laughing hysterically, shrieking, and vomiting. No one was able to make out any words.
This was an experience that I do not dare repeat in any conceivable near future. Maybe when the impressions have been sufficiently dulled by memory.

One cause for concern - while I was being born, I'm pretty sure I was laying on my back. I remember choking and sputtering on a thick liquid. At the time I did not know what the hell was going on, let alone that this was my own vomit. Be careful with this. Probably the most out of touch with reality I've ever been. You should definitely have a sitter. I'm going to take that precaution from now on.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18496
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 11, 2022Views: 437
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70), Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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