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Back to Back K Holes
by Soma
Citation:   Soma. "Back to Back K Holes: An Experience with Ketamine (exp18500)". Oct 30, 2002.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I lost my K virginity on August 4th 2002 at a rave. Since my first use I started purchasing K in quantities of about 1/2 a gram-1.5grams at every opportunity I could. I really started to like the stuff, and started doing it every weekend until I decided I needed a break.
Anyways rewind to about September 20something 2002. It was a Friday night, I'd got a lot of tips from my job and could not be happier to spend it all on about 1.2-1.5gm of K. (My dealer's scale always gives a little extra.) I got the K with no hassle, drove to my friend's house where we were having a small gathering and I cheerfully got organised and prepared to do K. This involved, setting up a bed to lie on, rolling a few cigarrettes, getting a few cups of water and iced tea, and selecting some music for us to listen too. We picked some trance because we thought the build-ups and strong beat would be a nice grounding thing whilst on K. All the amounts in this report are approximated as I had no scale.

9:15pm- Railed a small 'warm up' line probably about 40mg. My friends all did a line from their own baggies too. A moment later I felt the familiar fresh feeling of the K entering my nose. My body and mind loosened and I felt a true feeling of relaxation. Breathing in was like breathing in a lungful of mountain air.

9:20-9:30pm- My friends and I were zealous and we cut ourselves another two small lines around 40mg each.

We were pleasantly high and danced to the music and smoked a joint each. The pot did almost nothing except add a little bit of a cloudy headed feeling to the K. We decided to take a break from K because it was so early and we'd fall asleep before midnight if we started doing big lines now.

11:15pm- We were about 90% sober, I felt capable of driving if I needed too, a little bit unfocused from the K, but we were still high spirited and eager to do more. We collectively decided it was time to do some more.

11:30pm- I cut a line of 50mg, railed it, another line of 50mg, I railed that, then a line of about 120mg, I railed that. My friends were shocked and one of them said, 'goodbye man.' My friends did lines of about 70mg and got pretty high.

I was sitting, and watching one of my friends do a line when an overwhelming wave of sensory overload swept through my body. I was sitting on a mattress, so I let myself slowly fall backward. When my body hit the mattress my brain did not sense this and I felt as though I was falling backwards upsidedown for several moments. It was not alarming in anyway, it was very pleasant. I was still relatively cognitive, I understood that I was probably entering the K hole and that this was going to be a very total experience. Either I closed my eyes or my vision turned to black because darkness is all I could see. Then a sketchy white line that oscillated with the music appeared as a bizzare moving horizon point. The line stopped moving and expanded until my vision was all white. A black horizon line appeared and from the horizon line a sillouhetted figure appeared. My reaction to all of this was just pure pleasure, I was trying to understand what my brain was trying to tell me.

A moment later I opened my eyes and sat up. I was a little confused, colours were bright and pixelated. One of my friends told me I was gone for about a minute and a half. I was dissappointed I'd only got so little time. A friend suggested I do another line to see if I could K-hole again. I wanted too but when I held the baggy of K my hand wobbled so much I was afraid I'd spill it in the carpet. I waited about ten minutes while my friends continued doing small lines and getting incredibly stumbly.

11:50- Still very high, but in much more control of body. I did a 40mg line and then waited a minute and figuring that 40mg really wasn't going to do anything I cut myself a gigantic line of about 200mg. Straight after I did another 50mg line. My friends told me to go lie down before I fall down. I lay on the matress and stared at the ceiling. This high was a lot less vivid than the last as I flicked in and out of the hole several times.

Within five minutes I felt completely alone, I could not sense my friends in the room. I was not scared of this but very aware of the feeling of lonliness. I was almost bored waiting for a vision or something to happen. I stared with my eyes open at the ceiling but I could not recognise it as a ceiling, it was so abstract, and incomprehinsably confusing. I closed my eyes and saw a bath of inks running through my eyelids. Strange-... I then noticed a friend sitting near me, although he moved I only recognised him as an image not an entity, the fact that he was a 'being' made no sense to me. I saw him as though he was a photograph. I then noticed that the matress I sat on was moving, almost like a magic carpet, or a boat or something, I felt like I was lying on top a rocking floating matress. A few minutes of floating later, though it seemed like hours, I became lucid enough to understand my friend was talking to me. 'Let's go smoke a joint he said.' He then walked to the door and I floated behind him and out the door. Then a moment later he turned back to me and said, 'comeon, get up lets go smoke.'... I was still lying down on the bed. This revelation and understanding that I was lying in a bed in a house was enough to wake me up and get me on my feet and mobile for real this time. I learned I'd been in the Khole for about 10-15minutes.

12:15am-on... did a few small lines which did nothing but prolongue the pleasant Ketamine comedown.
2:00am easily fall into a heavy sleep
9:00am woken up by sunlight, feel a little bit worn out but otherwise OK. My friends want to do more K already, so do I. I did three lines before breakfast and another 2 after. I bought more ketamine later that day that lasted me another two days. I finally managed to stop doing it for a week and then after another binge my supplier ran out and I have to wait for a bit until he gets more. It's alright because I needed a break from the stuff too. As much as I like it, it's habit forming.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18500
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2002Views: 11,783
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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