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Merging with the Godhead?
Citation:   Anonymous. "Merging with the Godhead?: An Experience with DMT (exp1853)". Jun 15, 2000.

  smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
My feeling about smoked DMT, and I've experienced it four times now, is not at all that it is phenomenal because it allows you to merge with the Godhead (or perhaps Goddess- heart), but conversely, that it is remarkable precisely because it seems to leave the ego structures fairly well intact while the world is quite literally ripped away and replaced by another. Indeed, from all that I've heard and read, merging with the One is not generally a part of the phenomenology of smoked DMT. The unique thing I see going on with DMT is, because it leaves *you* as you were, it allows you to *own* your overwhelming awe at what is going on before you in a way that other entheogens don't. The more you are one with the nature of your experience, the more you fall into ecstatic bliss, but also in a sense the more the observer is compromised, leaving in its wake not you and your awe at the infinitely imploding world-vortex that has plopped out of nowhere in your lap, but awe and only awe.

K, on the other hand, as it seems especially prone to inducing infinite cosmic fusion, is often said to be 'a place of no words' (as people have been calling it lately), and more often than not they return only with awe (NOT altogether a bad thing, mind you). DMT rather sits you down in front of the unfolding Godhead and says, 'All right, you have ten minutes. Now focus.'

There *are* words there, none of them ever feel adequate I must admit, but there are words, words, and more words - I don't think this would be the case if the ego hadn't been left there to watch the universe as it ran naked through the streets of your mind...

The other thing I'm curious about at the moment is whether less sophisticated (epistemologically, phenomenologically, imaginally, perceptually, conceptually - you name it) people might be more prone to smoking DMT and merely returning with, 'I saw *GOD*', because they just don't know what else to put to it. If it completely blows them away it may seem like the only reasonable thing to say. Certainly DMT is worth its weight in TNT in this sense. But I would think an authentic experience of merging with God would have to be something along the lines of fusing into a synthesis of transcendent being that is utterly and profoundly beyond any and all of one's epistemological categories and what one previously had believed to be humanly possible - which DMT doesn't seem to do in my mind (literally that is). K apparently does do this, but even then, there is no way to know that there are not ever more unitive sytheses such as the one above and that they are all rightly to be called 'merging with God'. Or even that the degree of unity of the synthesis one fuses with is not perhaps determined by the degree of expansiveness in one's own structures of belief, i.e. this experience of being One with God is truly a coat of many colors. For all we know, when someone says that there were merging into God, they may only have been merging into rush hour traffic... ( ;

Exp Year: ExpID: 1853
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2000Views: 19,823
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DMT (18) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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