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Watch your Ass
Oxycodone (Oxycontin)
Citation:   Cardcheat. "Watch your Ass: An Experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin) (exp18538)". Nov 10, 2002.

40 mg insufflated Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
Alright, I've taken opiates before (Demerol, Vicodin, Percodan, Codeine, opium, etc.) so I feel that I am somewhat aware of what happens when you take them. They are fun, and can provide hours of druggy enjoyment. I am also aware of possible unwanted side-effects, such as overdose, which happened to me once on 3 Mexican Demerols (I didn't go to the hospital, but I turned whitish-green, shivered although it was 90 degrees outside, couldn't get up off the couch, threw up, you get the picture). So I try to watch out when I take them. So the other day I figured I'd snort half of an 80 mg Oxy that I had procured. I'm glad I didn't snort the whole damn thing; I'm sure I would have been fucked. Well, needless to say, it rocked my ass...

The story: My cousin gave me an Oxy; I didn't know shit about it (other than what I have seen on MTV). She kept mumbling about snorting it and laughing to herself and making weird rushing noises (yeah, she's a drugged-out freak in rehab). She said people actually pay $40 for these damn things (got mine for free, haha you junkies) so I figured it had some kick to it...

Got home about 9:30, chopped it in half and into a fine powder, picked out the green coating as best as I could, snorted two big lines, poured a Cutty and Pepsi, and waited...

10 minutes later: I started to feel this stuff. Your average opiate high. Everything was cool, starting to itch a little, sipped my beverage and strummed the old geetar.

30 minutes later: Eyes went pinpoint and glossed over. Really fucked up now, but loving it. Itching like a freak. Now I understand Iggy ('hey man, where'd ya get that, lo-shun'). Couldn't play the geetar, figured if I kept drinking I'd be a goner, put the liqour away and kicked it on the couch.

1 hour later: Still fucked. Starting to nod. Very heavy drugged feeling, hoping to Christ I'm supposed to be this screwed up. Figure fuck it, I'll just ride it out and lay here and dream...

3 hours later: Still fucked. Speech fine, not much difficulty walking. But my head is floaty and fucked...

5 hours later: Figure I'll crash, because I've got class tomorrow. Didn't really sleep, but had a weird series of dreams/fantasies involving a certain girl I know along with all these other kinds of weird subconscious occurrences...

Woke up at 9:30 for class, still high. Took a shower, went to class, and fell asleep in class (happens a lot around here, we're a 'party school'). Lots of sweating and grogginess today.

All in all, was fun. Just watch it. I think I took too much. I was really fucked up, almost to the point where it was not fun, and I developed nausea while on it (never happened before with pills). If I had snorted the whole thing, I'm sure I'd be dead, or at least hospital-bound. So watch this shit, it is STRONG. I'm no addict, and have a marginal (at best) tolerance to opiates. So it got my goat. It also constipates you (like opiates do). Couldn't make a dook for 3 days. Yes, there are side-effects. So, now I know why people pay 40 bones for these peels...damn.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18538
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2002Views: 66,819
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Alone (16)

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