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Failed Ayahuasca Attempt
Huasca Brew (B. caapi & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   Trippernaut. "Failed Ayahuasca Attempt: An Experience with Huasca Brew (B. caapi & M. tenuiflora) (exp18547)". Oct 30, 2002.

40 g oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
  30 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
This is an experience I had once when Ayahuasca didn't work. I think the reason it didn't work is because we didn't use Banisteriopsis caapi bark, we used the wood in the middle cause all of the bark had been scraped off.

Me and a friend of mine who has never tried Ayahuasca both drank the same amount of Caapi folowed by the same ammount of Mimosa tea, slowly sipped. We both noted the effects of the Caapi, although the Mimosa never took effect, this is about the 3rd time that has happened to me, but it has also worked twice, when using Syrian Rue Seeds with the Caapi.

I felt kind of giddy and happy from the caapi, but I also felt like there was a rock in my stomach from the mimosa, this feeling eventually went away.

But the whole reason I'm writing this failed trip report is because of the effects of the caapi. The next day I awoke with a feeling of my mind being scrambled. I also felt an urge to be depressed this day, but I refused to give in. This no good feeling continued on for 2 more days. By the 3rd day, things were weird, whenever I thought about stuff, I could kind of think of an image of my mind. I could see a place inside my mind where all my thoughts and feelings connected.

But the very unusual thing happened this night. I had a dream that I was going through hallways and cleaning things up. Me and and somone else in my dream went around these halls and cleaned everything up. We had trash bags to put everything into, and I remember picking up piles of junk and making everything clean. The next morning I awoke feeling great, no more mind-scrambled feeling, topped with a wonderful happy feeling.

The amazing thing is during the dream I felt like I was cleaning up my mind, getting rid of all the clutter. And after waking up, I still feel great. But I can't remember who was with me in my dream. It was somone who was a great friend who didn't resemble anyone I know in this world.


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18547
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2002Views: 16,858
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Dreams (85), Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Huasca Brew (268) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), General (1)

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