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How Knowledge Saved My Ass
Cannabis & Police
Citation:   smoker 1. "How Knowledge Saved My Ass: An Experience with Cannabis & Police (exp18690)". Nov 6, 2002.

2.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Every thing in the report/story happened only names have been changed and dates left out...

A good friend of mine, 'smoker 2', had just gotten off of probation earlier on this terror of a day. We’re celebrating smoker 2's release from the bonds of our f'ed up law system at a mutual friend’s house with one half pound of some very robust and sticky buds that had been acquired by smoker 2 a few hours prior, when at about midnight when it was time to take smoker 2 home. On route to take him home I also took a 3rd person home on the way. After dropping of the first person smoker 2 and I began what would be one of the worst drives home in my life.

After less than 5 minutes of the journey I saw a police car make a U-turn just ahead of me 'great just what i need' I thought, 'my registration is out, my wallet is at home, my ticket payment is late and there is HALF A FUCKING POUND OF POT SITTING NEXT TO ME!' So i did my best to just drive and pretend nothing was up. Well it seemed to be working, the car followed us quietly for about 5 minutes and everything seemed fine. Smoker 2 didn't even notice. Then we pass another 2 cops already cornholeing some other unlucky joe and I thought 'maybe that’s why i was being followed he was just on his way to this scene’ but, alas no such luck. We drove right past them and I still had a tail. Then my nightmare came true the red and blue flashies lit up my mirrors. I pulled over and told smoker 2 to stay calm I knew what I was doing. And thanks to Erowid (THANK YOU EROWID) I did know.

The first cop walks up to my car. After the officer take my insurance, tells me my registration is out and asks me about why I don’t have my license with me, he tells me he stopped me for failure to signal 100 feet before a turn and asks me to step out of the car and talk to him while smoker 2 waits in my car. As I get out of my car and walk to talk to this cop #1, #2 and #3 pull up with everyone's favorite pet the drug dog. I was still cool, calm, and collected but very high. Well now this is where the shit hits the fan, this is the do or die part. If you ever find your self in this deep you have to be ready for it and don't play their game -- knowledge is power so pay attention.

After signing my warning and after smoker 2 got his fair share of grilling it seemed we were going to get to leave and that every thing was cool. But that is what the cop wanted me to think and I knew this so I was ready when he fed me this line: 'Well son part of our job here as servants of the community is to make sure things like drugs and weapons are not being trafficked and I would like to take a few minutes to check your vehicle and make sure you dont have anything like that. Would that be ok with you?'

OK GUYS YOUR ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS CRUCIAL it should be something like this: 'Well officer I am in a hurry and I'd rather not do this right now. It’s late and I dont feel like having you going through my things.' Even a well put and reasonable answer like this is not going to make him shut up, but it is a very important foundation. Expect to be asked why you are in a hurry and what is in you car and everything else that the pig can think of to ask you that might make you slip and give him a reason to detain you. Be strong, you’re almost home free, keep saying things like “Am I under arrest, are you detaining me, I would like to leave, I’m tired and would like to get home soon.” It will work. this is the only place where the law is on your side. He can't check you car with out reasonable cause and he knows it but he won’t give up easy.

After the officer finally realised he wasn't getting in my car he tried something I wasn't ready for and haven't read about so you guys that know everything I have already said might still learn something from what happened next. The pig asked me if he could walk the drug dog around the outside of my car. With a little quick thinking and a lot of luck I think I replied 'you have a dog? Please keep it away I can't handle dogs, they don't like me and I don't like them, I would rather you just keep that dog away from me.' And with that I was free. There was nothing the officer could do to me, he knew it and I knew it I had won, I could see it in his eyes. He knew I wasn't telling him something but I knew my rights and he was out of options. So with that the cop let me go with a warning for failure to show ID, failure to signal, and expired registration and a big ass sack of weed. And my night ended with a few hours of Contra on the PS2, Opeth on the stereo, and a room clouded with some of the best smoke in my life; not because of the quality of weed but what I went through to smoke it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18690
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2002Views: 28,701
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Police / Customs (60) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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