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Potent Use
Citation:   Kevin. "Potent Use: An Experience with Valerian (exp18700)". May 30, 2006.

1 tsp oral Valerian (tea)
I've found Valerian root to have noticable but variable effects. It does not smell nice; very much like extremely sweaty underarms. It also does not taste very good by itself (bitter,) but honey can be added, which also helps digestion. It has irritated my stomach on occasion. I usually use about a teaspoon, steeped in hot water for 5-10 minutes. I find it very relaxing and often, though not always, sleep-inducing.

The first time I ever tried it, I probably used two tablespoons. I sat in my living room for several hours and did nothing but breathe. It was a state that was as at least as relaxing as sleep. It did seem to affect respiration; breathing was a little more labored, though very pleasantly so. Each breath was a conscious and independent decision.

I don't use it often; have not noticed any type of withdrawl effects, but I have noticed a slight increase in tolerance. I have not been able to recreate my first experience, even with larger amounts.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18700
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2006Views: 83,135
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