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Twisted Stuff
Citation:   Fenriz. "Twisted Stuff: An Experience with BZP (exp18702)". Nov 10, 2002.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral BZP (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 100 mg oral BZP (powder / crystals)
Well i hadn't really heard of BZP before a guy i know told me that he had 100 g. of the stuff, freebase crystallized to HCl. I thought that i might as well try it and bought 200 mg from him. I'm pretty skinny and sensitive to some drugs so i asked him to split it in 2 capsules of 100 mg.

We had planned to go to a club in the evening and we sat at my place drinking and snorting amyles ;) I took the first capsule about 8pm and at about 10pm it peaked, but the buzz was a little weak so i popped the other capsule. When the effects started to kick in i went REALLY hyper and my mouth became all dry so i drank alcohol and water. This resulted in that i should piss all the time wich was very annoying. Well, we didn't get into the club, we decided to go home to my place were we sat talking until about 5:00 in the morning... i wanted to sleep but i just couldn't fall asleep, it felt like my brain just kept on thinking all kinds of crazy shit that i couldn't control.

When i fell asleep after in fact only 15 minutes, i woke up at about 9:00 am with a fucking aweful headache and my jaw hurt pretty badly. I took 5 mg diazepam and fell asleep again untill 2:00 pm were i woke up and took 200 mg caffeine.... i hadn't any trouble eating at that time and the headache disappeared 15 minutes after i woke up. The rest of the day i was pretty tired, but not really depressed as i tend to be on amphetamines... a good movie and and some marihuana is what I'd want after a night using BZP.

Except for the negative physical after effects, this was a good experience, but, i wouldn't go above 300 mg in one evening (not all at once)... definitely a drug i'd like to try again some time.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18702
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2002Views: 22,969
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BZP (101) : General (1), Various (28)

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