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Memory Gone
by Ian
Citation:   Ian. "Memory Gone: An Experience with Alprazolam (exp18748)". Jan 1, 2007.

1.0 g inhaled Cannabis (plant material)
  3.0 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  2.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
I had somehow gotten tangled into going to a semi-formal dance with my best friends girlfriend while he took a mutual friend of ours. At this point I was drinking regularly (about 3 times a week) and smoking marijuana almost everyday. I also have varied experience with pharmaceuticals, including percocet, vicodin, darvocet and several muscle relaxants. The dance was on a Saturday night, and I acquired about an 1/8 of kind buds for prior enjoyment. I had also taken 10 mg of Xanax, in .5 mg pink solid tabs, from my mom, who suffers from mild depression.

One of my friends is a causal user of the drug, and I spoke with her about its effects along with researching the drug on websites, so I felt confident and well prepared. I was also going to be with several sober people, including my friend’s girlfriend. Other then doxycycline, an anti-biotic, I was on no other drugs at the time. I had found nothing in any of my research to indicate that Xanax would interact with the anti-biotic.

I went to D’s house, and we smoked the marijuana and prepared to go to the dance. I was pretty high at the time, and was still feeling the effects as we reached the boat that the dance was to be held on. I ingested 6 caplets as soon as we got to the dance. The music was pretty bad, top 40 pop stuff. I felt somewhat awkward because of the confused situation with D’s dates and mine.

At about T+45 began to feel the effects of the drug. Mostly a mild stoning effect, but motion seemed incredibly interesting. I left the group I was with (always a bad idea when on a new substance) and went to hang out with some of my other friends who were drinking. I felt extraordinarily happy while my drunken friends seemed very sluggish. I did not have a great deal of energy, but I was not tired at all.

The boat returned at about 11 and we disembarked. I was still somewhat high, but defiantly down from the peak stoning effects. We then went back to D’s dates house. Once there, I informed D that I was going to take another 5 pills, or 2.5 mg. He okayed the dosage, and I took it with a little bit of water. [On a side note, I was not hungry at all that night, nor was I thirsty]. I felt the effects much sooner this time, about 20 minutes after I ingested the pills. I assume that the earlier does compounded with the second one, because it was much more intense.

I have no further memory of the night, and what follows is what I was told by D:
We were watching a movie when I took my dose, and had been planning on going to a friend’s party after the movie. The party got busted, so we remained at the house and watched another movie. I spent about 20 minutes moving my hand back and forth in front of my face. I was also having trouble with expressing ideas. At about 2, D secured my a ride back to my house with his girlfriend. She told me that she dropped me off and opened my door. I assume that I passed out after this, because I woke up in the clothes that I had worn the night before on the floor of my room.

I highly enjoyed this experience. I do regret the setting in which it was taken. I think that a more friendly place with better lighting and closer friends would have been much more suitable. I also *HIGHLY* recommend utilizing a sitter, as blacking out seems to be a common occurrence. The next day I had no hangover. I would have been more comfortable with a lower dose in the hopes that my memory of the night would be more clear. All in all, it was a pleasurable experience. This night is recalled from a journal that I keep of my experiences, which I highly recommend.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 18748
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 1, 2007Views: 105,527
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), First Times (2), General (1)

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