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Outgoing and Happy at the Right Dose
Tramadol (Ultram)
Citation:   Anonymous. "Outgoing and Happy at the Right Dose: An Experience with Tramadol (Ultram) (exp18752)". Nov 10, 2002.

100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
Total Basics For Those In A Hurry (don't rush!) :

50mg - little if no buzz
100mg - good buzz, lasts a while.
150-200mg - ready to feel it all nite, next day.
250-300mg - stronger, not as enjoyable to me.
300mg+ - no need really.

Ultram (Tramadol) is a synthetic opioid used to treat severe to moderate pain. Personally I'd compare it to vicodin, but perhaps a little stronger. I am fairly experienced in the drug world, although I am clean now, and have been for several months. Go me. Anywho, when I wanted to learn about Ultram, I had a rather hard time, so I'll break down all I can for you all.

I first tried 50mg, and felt almost nothing.

Once I tried 100mg (2 50mg pills) I felt a nice buzz, my body was tingly and sort of jello-like. My vision seemed a little affected, and my preception a bit altered as well. Talking was more enjoyable to me, and I sometimes felt quite a speedy effect. Much more outgoing and happy, and just buzzing all day. Also, sleeping on these gave me great and happy dreams, and I always woke up feeling well rested, almost without any sleep at times. I felt 100mg was good for a nice nitely or so buzz, and sometimes enjoyed it during the day. I was able to handle it very well, talk normaly and whatever...but that was after a little using...a few weeks. I'm sure most people can handle it, but you get more used to it over time.

In excess, 100-250mg it seemed to be a little stronger, more tired and a lot heavier body buzz, but not essentialy more enjoyable. Another report of 500mg I belive said constipation was a problem. I've never taken 500, but 350 at the most, and never had any problems with constipation. It doesn't seem addictive except mentally to me...once I didn't have any, I'd sure miss it a lot, but that can come with anything. I also sometimes experience itching all over, not a bad itch but it can be annoying. Possibly a mild allergic reaction, not sure. Hope this helped anyone wanting to know.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2002Views: 45,455
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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