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Possible Energy Detection Method?
Citation:   Xantryper. "Possible Energy Detection Method?: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp18761)". Aug 20, 2004.

21 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
Last night I decided to try the 5meo-dipt again. My last experience was not that good, mostly because I didn’t really want to trip that night. Accidental trips are not always the most fun. For this trip I took 21mg 5meo-dipt along with 3 grams of potassium gluconate. I am not sure if the unique effects that I experienced were due to this combination or not. Further research will be necessary to verify or disprove this. It was awesome to see goodygrrl again. She most defiantly added a great positive effect to this experience. The 5meo-dipt was in dry gel form. The drug took almost an hour and a half to kick in.

At around T+3 hrs I started to notice that I could feel an energy field from the person that I was touching. My brain was somehow able to tune into this energy and have some type of communication with it. It was surely a most interesting experience that these words in no way convey, but I will try. There was an intense magnification of sexual energy. I was intensely tuned to this. I could feel this energy in waves, and its ramping effects. It was amazing. As I started to practice tuning into this energy I got better and more consistent. At first I needed to be in direct contact to feel the energy, but after I became more aware of this energy I was able to sense it at a further distance, but being in direct contact had the strongest signal. I am not currently in a place to speculate the origin of this energy or even its possible transfer method. After I became aware of this ability I started to try sensing the energy of different things. Being in this energy communication mode was extremely euphoric, and I could see it becoming quite addictive.

While in communication with a tree I was able to leave by body for a short amount of time voluntarily, and transcend to the other dimension where the great collective unconscious resides. I have never transcended voluntary before, but I have been thrown there by the mushrooms before. I feel the reason that I was there for only a short period of time 15 seconds max, was because I was scared. I am beginning to understand. Thank you.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2004Views: 7,255
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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