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To Hell then Heaven
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by Jay
Citation:   Jay. "To Hell then Heaven: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp18796)". Oct 6, 2004.

1.5 oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
Wow, I just had the most intense, terrifying, incredible trip of my life. I have tripped about 30 times before on shrooms, sid, and mescaline. This was by far the strongest stuff I have ever encountered. Well, here it goes, I have changed the names to protect the innocent.

Me and two friends were sitting around until 2am until we finally got our chocolates, and after eating, I was feeling them within 10 minutes. A friend of mine, Mike, was taking them for only the second time. He decided to take a whole one since thats what we did last time. Withing 15 minutes, he started having a hard time and wanted us to turn off the music and stuff. He started getting really scared and wanted to puke them up. My other friend Jake and I were trying to guide him, and he just wanted us to tell him stories about people who have a bad time and everything comes out alright. Well, the stuff he was saying started freaking me out, and I decided to let Jake talk to him since I was not as close to him and was obviously not helping.

Well, I went in to the other room and started going down the same path. I could not get the situation out of my head, and it started consuming me. I was tripping really hard by then and could not stop thinking my trip was going to turn into a nightmare. I wanted to help my friend Mike, but couldn't talk to him because he was making me lose control really bad. My other friend Jake was having some success getting him under control, but he was in and out of having a bad time.

Then it was my turn, I was really losing control and decided to lay down in the back. I closed my eyes and fell into a fantastic waking dream. I have never had visuals like that, and they were absolutely incredible. I just kept thinking about what was going on with Mike combined with my struggle to pull myself in the right direction, and just started thinking bad thoughts like this is going to be a nightmare trip and I am going to do some serious psychological damage to myself. My visions started turning evil, and everything I saw started melting and turning to blood. By this time I was scared shitless, and started seeing really evil faces that absolutely terrified me. It was if everything I saw turned bad and I knew I was going to spiral out of control.

I wrestled with this for a while until my friends came in and said they wanted to walk to the park. I was up for that because I always love wondering when I'm tripping. We got there and had a few laughs, but it was still awkward considering how the night was playing out. When we got back, I played a little grand theft auto, and had a few laughs. I started recovering (to my amazement) but Mike was in and out. He said he had too much on his mind and we just couldn't involve him (real introspective trip). I tried to comfort him but it seemed nothing would turn the tide. I, on the other hand, started getting really crazy and broke free from my fears that had brought me down all night.

I went on to have the most liberating trip I've ever had. I was so impressed with myself for overcoming a bad trip that I thought anything was possible. I started going really psychotic and didn't give a shit about anything. I went farther than I had ever gone before from myself, said a lot of things I regret, but nothing could bring me down. I really got my friend Jake going and Mike a little, but I know they did not have much fun. I couldn't help myself from jumping off the walls.

Another strange thing that happened to me and really freaked everyone out (along with half of the stuff I was saying) was my fingers on one hand started closing in to a fist sort of. My muscles were pulling me and I decided to follow them to relieve the tension. My arm starting moving in all sorts of really, really odd ways but I felt like I couldn't help it. I fought that off for like 20 minutes, but my friends were really worried about it. I didn't really mind because I figured it too would pass, but it was the strangest thing ever.

Overall, I don't know what to think of this trip. What I saw while lying on my bed was absolutely terrifying, by far the scariest time in my life. But afterwards, it was up there with one of the best times ever, so my feeling are real mixed. I can't believe I was able to turn around such a bad trip and have the best one ever. It probably had a lot to do with the strength of the stuff, but I don't think I'm ever going to trip again. I'm graduating next spring, so these days are already at an end, and don't think I want to risk it again. I talked to my friend, Mike, this morning and he did NOT have a good time. I know he will never do it again, but we were not prepared for anything that strong. His initial reaction set the tone for the rest of the trip, which was not the way to start off. I havn't set down with him yet to go over what all happened, but I wanted to get this down now instead of later. If anything I've taken away, it was some real respect for psychedelics. I have always respected them, but after a night like last night, it's to a much greater degree. If anything, I learned a lot about myself and feel like I really overcame a lot.

Sorry for the length of this, but I felt it was important. Careful when you trip, and always make sure you AND your friends are in the right mood and setting. I can't stress that enough. Also, even a nightmare trip can turn around with a bit of wrestling. Talk about a spiritual battle, I feel like I slayed a demon...

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18796
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2004Views: 14,389
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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