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Will THEY Ever Let Me Stay?
Citation:   orangewedge. "Will THEY Ever Let Me Stay?: An Experience with Ketamine (exp19045)". Feb 19, 2018.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Ok kids....I've been meaning to put the following on paper for a few years now. Having never done so I'm not sure how it will come out, but here it goes.

I'm going to spare you the details of my ketamine habit, but I'm sure that you can relate to where I'm coming from. I've read many articles on the miracle of ketamine, and I doubt very highly that I could do a better job, so I'll just begin by saying that even the most exagerated account of ketamine phenomina could not describe the chill that I get when I look myself in the mirror and know that it's all real. My brain didn't just make this stuff up. Can I still be a christian?

Here's what happens time and again.....I do this atleast a half dozen times a month if not more. Lay back, play the Floyd or Underworld or Peter Gabriel or whatever I've designated as my in flight tunes, take a deep breath and I'm off....always the same they intensify, I become less anxious and almost forget I had just snorted up a mile of k. Before I know it THEYRE in the room....well actualy I'm not in the room, but they are within the dimensions that my room would represent if I had not been far far away from our mortal planet.Its like I'm in the middle of a air traffic control center that stays staionary while everything else moves. They're Aliens! They look just like Chinese people! They mutter amongst themselves and stand still but not motionless in a hologram fashion while I spin wildly from place to place.

The trip is sensational and joyous, like an digital rollercoaster, and I am often distracted by They're presence. I take in scenery that the human retina could never understand. I float sideways....always sideways....very low to the eyes are about waist level to the people and cars and chairs and tables that exist in the 'sober reality' which I observe like a slideshow as I float sideways in and out of rooms....down stairs to a subway, or across the bar of a restaurant. These are all real places. My imagination could not create such detail. I can see every fabric in a mans sweater, and every divet and imperfection of every brick on every building, and yet the picture as a whole is extremely hazy....usually a purpleish brown.....but my spirit is there, watching strangers eat lunch and walk to school. Real people. And THEY, the chinese aliens, for lack of a better description, know that I'm watching. I can somehow telepathicaly get the basics of their discussions, though they never speak directly to me. I try my best to relay messages to them, and I cant tell if they receive them. Its almost like I'm not supposed to know that they're there, observing me.

They always discuss the same thing, or so it seems. Is he ready to join us? I get the feeling that they are either gods (though I try to be a good 'christian') But that theory could be valid because if this experience could be compared or considered a near death experience, then wouldn't the 'gods' be topical about my place in the universe and my time of departure? The other theory , which excites me, is that they are past ketamine users who have broken through to the other side and found a way to control the network in which we play. Either way my 20 minute experience ends in disappointment, as I pray that they will let me stay. The funny thing is that is never my intention when I set out on the trip, but it is my number one perogative by the end. Hold on...stay here....join them. THEY ask themselves time and again if I am ready, if I can be one of the chosen few to oversee whatever the hell it is that they do. They are in charge, I am a candidate for recruitment. If this is heaven so to speak, is god chinese? Are his angels? Am I the only one who has seen this??? One time I was at an outdoor rave-style party and I went to take a piss and I was really really high on K and saw dead people....5 or 6 of them standing holographs. The one closest to me was black, which doesn't mean anything except that its very unlikely that an un natural hallucination would choose a random detail like that. I guess you'd have to be there. They didn't look dead, but I knew that they were, and they were very still, but not motionless. That was my most incredible experience of my life, and it gives me shivers every time I think about it. I just wanted to share that and more-so the above insight.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19045
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 1,174
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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