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Peak Experience
Citation:   Innerpeace. "Peak Experience: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp19122)". Nov 23, 2002.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
Set was at a good friends house, with a few close friends. All who also consumed 20 mg of this substance, except for a few who did 30 mg. This was intended to be a high dose experience, which it was.

This was my second time ingesting this substance.

First time was also at 20 mg, very pleasent experience.

I took it at home, and descended on the about 15 minutes walk to my friends house, first distinct tryptamine alerts were already present when I entered his (lets call him X) home. very soon after this we realized that we had forgot our bong home, back at my apartment. and thus we had nothing to smoke weed from. This posed a few problems cause all of us were coming up on the dipt pretty fast, and it can have a pretty tough body load. Makes me usually just lie down and not having the will to move that much.. some people experience some nausea, to me I can avoid that by just relaxing and lying still.

But pot always helps alot. and boosts the trip quite significantly.
Thank god some friends came by that had a car and a sober enough driver around.. I trust these people, I just gave them my key to my appartment and laid back on the bed and just enjoyed the music.

I felt this unexplainable feeling of trust and love, towards all my companions in this room. I remember just lying on the bed tasting/seeing the music and eating some candies that tasted soooo good. and smoking cigarettes, never felt cigarettes taste this good before (or maybe once during a hwbr trip ;).

With my eyes closed I could feel all the different vibrations of the different people in the room. I saw auras around people, with my eyes closed. but the colors kept changing alot on the people, that I reasoned to myself to be only cause they too were tripping and having a blast that their 'shine' changed..

I myself, shined white.. it was beatifull. I felt like I was shining positive energy at my friends.

Then alot of stuff changed, the music stopped. we made a sort of transition when all were about to peak. Closed the lights and put the music on pretty much full volume and listened to some shpongle.. the Divine moments of truth album.

And well. I seriously cant believe i've ever felt that good. If this feeling isn't divine, then what the fuck is it? I really cant imagine feeling better.. I was in another place entirely. I couldn't notice any difference between my eyes closed and open unless I focused and moved.
First time I did 5-meo-dipt I had a pretty uncomfortable body load when it came up, but this time the feelings were there but instead of being unpleasent they felt orgasmicly good.

I dont know really any times. except that I ingested the substance at 00.30 and left for home around 07.30. It was magical, it was bliss.

Really dont know how to put this into words. It all just seems to diminish the experience, I know i'll try this substance later again someday. I just dont think there is much use of going beyond the 20 mg mark on this substance cause of increased body load problems.. a few of my fellow companions who had taken a stronger dose weren't feeling all that well all the time.

I on the other hand felt very good/godly.

This trip brought very good closing to a few earlier trips with lsd and shrooms. Thanks to 5-meo-dipt and Divine moments of truths.

Felt i really had some there. :)

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19122
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 23, 2002Views: 14,363
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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