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Bumpy and Intense Ride
Citation:   Parre. "Bumpy and Intense Ride: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp19149)". Nov 24, 2002.

10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
Set: Not overly good, but far from bad
Setting: Friends house, a comfortable place
Dosage: 10 mg

I woke up at 2pm after a night out, with a slight hangover that went away after a shower. At 2.30 my friend N called and told me to be ready at 4 to go to our friend P, where we were to trip. M also joined in, as did E and B. Me, N, P and B have tripped approx. 10 times on different psychedelics, M and E only once (M on Foxy tuesday night, E on LSD three months ago). I planned to ingest 10mg and later boost with 5. P and E planned to ingest 10mg and later boost with 5 or 10 while B, N, E and M all took 20 from the start.

We dissolved 100mg of 5-MeO-DiPT in 1 decilitre of water, which leaves us with a concentration of 1mg/ml. At 6pm we all drink a small cup of a foul-tasting substance, and chase it down with coke/fanta. The taste leaves in ten minutes or so. I get humiliated by N on Fifa Soccer 2003. We sit around and chill and play PS2 and talk, waiting for the trip to kick in.

After a while (not too long - perhaps 20-30mins) I start to feel anxious and jittery, and also my heart beats faster/harder than normal, or so I perceive it at least. The come-up has started. The effects build quickly, the walls start breathing and morphing. I'm getting quite worried at this time, since my body is feeling wrong. I'm shaky, anxious and uncomfortable, while the head trip is building to a level that I previously hadn't felt on 5-MeO-DiPT.

The ones that took 20 are now regretting it, probably feeling worse than I am. I spent all of my comeup just trying to convince myself that I'll be fine and that it'll pass, but since I was tripping there was the usual 'but what if I won't be?' echoing in the back of my head. My brain is being barraged with attacks of thoughts and impressions at an extremely fast pace...

...and it's only been around an hour since we took it. What the fuck? How can it hit me so hard? Previous time we've eyeballed and parachuted (I think that is the english term) the doses, but the effects were nowhere near this. I'm spending this time trying to ignore the body feelings and anxiety and calming myself down, which is kind of hard when all your senses are maximized and taking in an insane overload of information.

I remember going out with M for a smoke. As I looked at the trees (pines) the top of the trees bent 90 degrees to the side, leaving the trees looking like upside-down L's. My body was feeling lousy, and I was confused as hell at this time. Had we screwed up our dosages? What is going on? Why am I tripping so hard? 5-MeO-DiPT is a mild recreational experience, not a full fucking trip. Why is my body so fucked up? The confusion was high, and I had only taken 10 mgs, so I was very surprised at this, which only added to my anxiety.

Then, all of a sudden, calm. My body load instantly washed away, and my head became much less confused with this. I stopped tripping so hard for a while. I remember thinking to myself, 'Did I just peak? Fuck, I don't want to stop tripping now!'. At this time it was maybe T+1h30min, and I was thinking to myself what extreme time dilation I was feeling. That hour and a half felt like 4-5 at least.

We went into P's room and connected his TV to his computer and put on the Milkdrop plugin for winamp while listening to music. At this point I was still a bit confused. As the visuals kicked in I had mixed feelings. My body load returned for a while, and my thoughts were very unpleasant. Everything felt wrong, and I felt out of it. I had a few delusional thoughts ('What if life is just a dream, Am I really I etc) and became very confused. I started talking to my friends and they slowly disappeared.

From now on most of the trip was very nice. We all laughed just sooo much, it was insane. Everything was fun. We were tripping hard still. It felt like acid, that it went in waves, up and down. From far gone to almost sober, and then to build up again to great intensity. We watched Surviver on TV, but it didn't make sense. We just sat around and laughed at everything. We also managed to somehow associate Surviver->Mary J Blige (via Mary Jane, Marijuana and lots of other weird stuff). This was at t+2 - t+3. At t+2h30min P and E boosted with 5, but I decided not to take my boost. I was tripped out enough, and feeling good, so I didn't feel the need to boost.

Most part of the trip was either spent laughing, looking at the winamp visualiser (which was just plain amazing) or chatting. OEV's were not too present, but there was some melting etc. Colours were enhanced, the depth perception as well. Me and M went for a cigarette, and all of a sudden I say: 'There is the train station. The train goes over there!', and he is like looking at me, going 'wtf?' at which point we both begin to laugh hard.

The comedown was calm, we sat and chatted and laughed. At 2.30 am we got home, still a bit tripped out. Go to bed at 3.30 (t+9h30min). Think a bit to myself for half an hour or so, and later focus on sleeping and fall asleep pretty soon.


Wow! 5-MeO-DiPT can be INTENSE! Even at what is a low dose (10mg) it kicked my ass. If it wasn't for the yucky body load I'd have a fabulous trip, but the comeup was harsh, and the body load maintained through the trip. I'm guessing this isn't too healthy to do often.

The next time (if there'll be a next time) I'll prepare more mentally. I wasn't prepared for a full blown psychedelic experience, though it turned out good in the end and it was a fun experience. I'm very surprised that I was hit so hard though, but I guess I just didn't respect the drug as I should've done.

Had a slight headache today (something I usually have after 5-MeO-DiPT) which has passed now (been awake 5-6 hours). Feeling completely normal now.

It was a mostly great trip, but with some dark aspects, and also it took me by surprise. Watch your dosages, and be prepared for an intense experience. I thought 10mg wouldn't do much for me, but boy was I wrong.

Be safe, peace.

[Comparison of three experiences]

First time was 2 months ago. Eyeballed 10 mg wrapped in paper, swallowed. Drank beer as well (total of 6-7 weak 3.5% beers). Set was an outside festivalish-type thingy. Low body load, no anxiety and a pleasant feeling. Some CEV's, little OEV's. Nice!

Second time was last Tuesday. Again, 10 mg eyeballed wrapped in paper swallowed, with a boost of approx. 3-6mg 2 hours in. Quite rouch comeup. No visuals at all, but nice head and body trip.

Third time was this experience. 10 mg dissolved in water. Intense and overwhelming, though nice after the comeup. All in all a fun but rough experience.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19149
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2002Views: 7,844
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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