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Insufficient Purity Causes Side-Effects
Citation:   Butte Rolactone. "Insufficient Purity Causes Side-Effects: An Experience with GHB & GBL (exp1924)". Jun 19, 2000.

  oral GHB (liquid)
I started using GHB when it was still available from Europe. I then discovered the kits and the money that could be saved making my own -- although I never made my own powdered version. Then, when the kit suppliers all went under, I managed to buy the components separately.

I have had virtually all of the 'bad trip' experiences described by your other contributors -- and many others as well. This was particularly bad about two years ago with the kits I was getting from Bond-somebody or other out of Florida.

To sum it up: Everything described, as well as my own experiences, turned out to be from impurities in the Butyrolactone. I follow the writings of the folks at CERI and had their book on GHB. As an experiment, I decided to perform their 'post-purification' step -- even though I was assurred that what I was using was 99.9+ pure. This consists of shaking the finished product in a one liter bottle with a quarter cup of activated charcoal for an hour. I hated to do it, because you lose a considerable amount of the product that just won't come out of the charcoal.

It's worth it. From that moment forward, I've had none of the problems I encountered before. I was especially happy to be rid of what could often be a severe aching of the extremities and what I can only describe as 'Restless leg syndrome' -- an uncontrollable desire or feeling that, while trying to sleep, that you have to move your legs.

I also was experiencing what I described at the time as mini-epileptic seizures, visual hallucinations -- and the fascinating feeling that I had just been talking to someone. The latter so real that on more than one occasion I went from room to room looking for them -- even though I knew that it was a hallucination. Fortunately, I've had enough experiences of that kind not to be frightened -- I was just fascinated.

My strong recommendation is that anyone using GHB or its relatives just assume that it is impure and take the appropriate precautions.

I have also taken quite a bit of just plain Gamma-butyrolactone. Works well, lasts longer, doesn't involve weighing and mixing, and an eyedropper full is a full dose -- not to mention eliminating the risk of carrying around a scheduled drug. The problem is that, as the body converts it to GHB, it can mess up your systems ph. As a result, I was having to consume a lot of baking soda. Otherwise, you feel slightly ill about 30 minutes after taking it. Pretty soon I started swelling up from all the salt. Still works in a pinch.

What I would like to know is how to purify 1,4-butanediol and what the actual impurities are.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 1924
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2000Views: 22,819
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GBL (89), GHB (25) : Various (28), Health Problems (27)

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