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Funnest Time on Vacation Ever!
Methylphenidate & Cannabis
by sue
Citation:   sue. "Funnest Time on Vacation Ever!: An Experience with Methylphenidate & Cannabis (exp19463)". Jun 24, 2018.

  insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (ground / crushed)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I went on vacation to florida with my best friend and her family,
Evertbody in her family smokes weed and does other drugs, before we left for florida we found her mom's stash and we took some of it. On our way down to florida we stopped at a hotel at like 1 in the morning, me and my best friend and her sister got a seperate room than her mom and step-dad, we had some ridalin from my best friend's boyfriend, we had 6 pills total we each crushed up 3 and snorted them, we have done it before so it was fun, then we went swimming and when I snort ridalin it makes my head all tingly and ya feel like your on cloud 9, it was great so we went back to the room and her sister was like ' how bout we light it up' so we are like alright but not all of it.

We were sitting on the bed in circle passing it around and I was already high off my second hit it was great me and my friend couldn't stop laughing, there was nothing that was really funny, we would look at each other and laugh our asses off. I was barely able to take a hit, my hands went kinda numb feel so I was trying to light the lighter and I couldn't cause I would start laughing at myself, we finally we able to finish we smoked 2 bowls, well we got cotton mouth really bad so we went and got a drink at the machine as I was walking I was flipping thinking that there was cameras and they could see us and I was all jittery and stuff, we were barely able to be quiet walking down the hall, I loved the feeling.

When we got back to the room me and my friend were still and it's been an hour since we smoked it, her sister was watching forrest gump and told us to be quiet, I was still all numb feeling and giggly so after awhile we went to bed and watched forrest gump with her. It's the best movie to watch when high cause I feel like I am in the movie, it was at the part where he's running through the jungle place, when he's resucing the hurt guys, I was laying in the bed and everytime a bomb went off which was a lot I would jummp it was great, I finnally fell asleep butonly got 3 hrs. I woke up still kinda feeling it, it's the best high I ever had.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19463
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2018Views: 1,956
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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