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I Beat the Bladder Cops!
Citation:   Moriah. "I Beat the Bladder Cops!: An Experience with Cannabis (exp19542)". Dec 10, 2002.

  smoked Cannabis
I passed my drug test!

Considering my weight and my body fat composition (I'm 5'0) I was terrified I would never be able to pass a piss test. When the job I was interviewing for told me they were going to test, I almost walked out, but I needed the job really bad. I had planned to use substitution, but when my donor backed out on me I had to think of something quick -- test had to be that day.

Lady Luck was smiling on me -- I'd been dry for almost a week when the job interview came up, and the interview process took a week before I had to pee. But I knew I'd still test positive unless I did something drastic.

Three hours before the test, I drank 5 LARGE glasses of water, ate a piece of peanut butter toast (the fats supposedly help), and took two caplets of Horsetail (Shavegrass is another one that works, dunno if they are the same or not) that I had gotten from my local health food store. Horsetail is a diuretic. Another good one is Buchu. I also took two b-complex vitamins to give it some color.

Urinated several times before I left for the test (don't worry, with the Horsetail you'll come up with plenty of urine), then drove thru the snow to take the test. I was observed and they wouldn't let me wash my hands (gross!). Came up with midstream test sample -- which was NEON yellow. Pale, but still neon. Lo and behold, I passed.

Side effects included a niacin flush reaction from so much b complex and pissing dark neon yellow for two days.

Good luck and beat those bladder cops!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19542
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 10, 2002Views: 23,743
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Cannabis (1), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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