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A Social Night
Citation:   Fragbait. "A Social Night: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp19848)". Dec 23, 2002.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT
T+0000 / 6:30pm
This is my fourth time doing the drug at this dosage, but the first time doing it all at once instead of with boosters. I just dosed. I swallowed the pill with a multivitamin. Around an hour earlier I ate cream of broccoli soup. Although Foxy is known for its body load, I have never had a problem in the past. Hopefully it will be the same this time.

I am doing this while home with my parents. My dad rarely, if ever, leaves his room and I do not often interact with my mother. Even if I do, I should be able to hold myself together. I think I nurtured this ability during my time at ASMS. Every weekend we would down some DXM syrup and then have to check back in to the school later that night (the school is a residential one) while still tripping.

The only effects I'm feeling now are post-dose anxiety.

T+0030 / 7:00pm
I'm getting that well-known and loved tryptamine head change. My stomach is feeling a tad upset, but I should be able to calm it down psychologically.

T+0051 / 7:21pm
It's never been this intense before. I have so much energy (nervous?) in my limbs, it's insane! I can't stop shaking without exerting a considerable amount of will. The trisma is starting to come on as well. Colors are looking sharper and more vibrant. No 'in your face' tracers as of yet.

T+0105 / 7:35pm
Wow. Still. Really. Intense. My armpits are sweating, which is something that doesn't happen very often to me even if I forget to slap on the stick (I'm 6' 1' and weigh less than 130 lbs.). I was planning to spend the night re-learning card tricks and some sleight of hand, but I'm too restless to sit in one place for long. It's difficult even to come back to my sister's terminal and type up this report. I've been wandering back and forth, upstairs and down, from my room to my sister's computer. I offered to play some 500 Rummy with my mom on a whim, but she didn't know how to play and wanted to watch Trading Places instead. I think that worked out for the best though since it would be much more difficult (though not impossible) to keep it together in her immediate presence. As it stands now, I'm typing at roughly 120 wpm (that's not a lie, I'm using an old IBM Model M and I'm quite energetic) and my mother is sitting in the next room, probably wondering how the hell I got to type so fast and why the hell my dad insists that every computer in the house have those keyboards with the damn 'clicky' keys. Ah well. Damn, I'm rambling. Goodbye for now.

---- No more specific time references. ----

T+0110 / 7:45pm
I've always been interested in Timothy Leary's personal history. Why? I feel something that I know he felt. I am reasonably intelligent and still a drug user. I am a functioning member of society and still a drug user. I've been through a time in my life that completely redefined my thinking, before drugs, then again, with each trip. No, with each second. Anyway, I started typing this because I was at, and the flash intro starting bubbling back and forth. At first I thought, 'Ok, that's kind of cheesy for a site dedicated to the father of psychadelia' but then I realised it was me. Nifty.

T+0140 / 8:14pm
I went and sat in a dark room for a while. This is really the first chance I've had to experience this drug on my own so that I could analyze it completely. I got some crazy CEV's, then OEV's. Flashing lights, rainbow matrices, etc. I'm losing my social inhibitions, as I've become chatty not only in this text doc but also in MSN.

T+whatever / 9:44pm
I've spent the last few hours talking to a girl I've briefly spoken with a few times before. I'm much more sociable. I've got the lava-lamp-top-down OEV effect on everything.

Still talking to Melissa. It's odd ----

At this point I stopped writing for the night, midsentence. I stopped talking to Melissa at 3:00am, and I still had mild distortion of surfaces and the breathing effect. I went to bed at 4:30, but probably didn't fall asleep until 5:30 or 6:00. I was still full of energy and had the tryptamine body high plus euphoria until then. Sleep was restful, but I kept waking up.

Looking back on the comeup, the rush was *very* intense. For the first hour, I could actually feel a change in my body from second to second as the drug affected me. It was quite nice. From now on, if the situation is conducive, I'll take it all at once instead of with boosters.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19848
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2002Views: 11,279
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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