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It Wasn't Like This Before
Citation:   2simple. "It Wasn't Like This Before: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp19914)". Jul 8, 2006.

15 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
This was my forth experience with 5-MeO-DiPT. I've been an active entheogen user for years, experimenting with many psychedelic substances. A friend had come across some 5-MeO-DiPT and offered it to me. The first three experiences with foxy methoxy were nothing spectacular. A lot of nausea/vomiting prevented me from enjoying them fully. My forth and final (for now) experience was much more satisfying.

4:00am - MY friend 'J' and I returned to my apartment from a musical event very happy and eager to dose. We put on some soothing music(I’ve been wanting to try this substance while listening to the music of 'Shpongle', would like some feedback if anyone has), dimmed the lights, relaxed for about 20 minutes and decided we were ready.

4:30am - J and I took out the capsules with the 5-MeO-DiPT in them and proceeded to dose (his dose - 12mg[he had also been smoking marijuana earlier that evening], mine - 15mg). I started adding pillows and blankets to the room for more comfort while J was on the computer controlling the music. We sat around reading things from the internet & listening to music while the effects came on.

5:15am - The sun began to rise and the effects are coming on very quick and intense. J and I started giggling a lot while chatting. Everything seemed very easygoing. My previous experiences with foxy resulted in much bathroom time vomiting and a very harsh body load so I migrated to a comfortable spot on the floor with a pillow to curl up and try to wait it out. This is when the trip 'really' started.

5:30am - The effects are starting to peak. The body load is so intense I barely want to move. I lay on the floor in a fetal position under a blanket listening to music. The auditory effects are amazing as well as the visual effects. Visual effects much like low doses of LSD - tracers, shifting/breathing flat areas, a clear haze over everything. J was having a much lighter experience reporting less visual hallucinations, and was up moving around and playing with the effects.

6:00am - The sun is up leaving a dim light through my window shades, very pleasant. While I was curled up on the floor distracted by the body load, J decided to change the pace of music. He put on Carlos 'Soul' Slinger - Ali Rocks - a very long tribal style jungle song. This track uses a lot of exotic instruments like the Sitar and melodic hindi style chanting vocals. I closed my eyes and listened to how the music fluxuated in pitch and tone. I had been lying down curled up so tight for so long it became comfortable, Along with the melodic chanting, I felt as if I were in a dream state. Not many closed eye visuals YET, just listening to the audio effects of the drug.

6:15 - I had been in such a trance from the music I did not notice how far along the song was or even that this music was being played from my stereo. Almost like a dream, I had a very slow/glowing vision, which has never happened to me on Foxy Methoxy. As the trance went on, I became more and more disconnected from reality and what was going on around me, eventually forgetting that I was even laying on the floor in my apartment. Right before the song ended, with my eyes closed, I saw what resembled a beautiful glowing tree in the forest(when I look back on it, it reminds me of 'the tree of life??').

Focusing on the roots and base of the tree, the base seemed to open up as the music progressed and became more intense. As the tree trunk opened a white/golden light emerged from inside it revealing what I would describe as Heaven. Not in the sense of people up in the white clouds with angels and harps..etc But in the sense of the 'essence' of heaven and the feeling it is associated with. Undying love and beauty came from this light and surrounded me with sounds of people singing to and for me, helping me. I am not sure how long this went on.

7:00am - The music suddenly stopped waking me from the trance. I was almost shocked from what had just happened. I opened my eyes to see J lying on the bed, to lazy to get up and put on more music. I got up and to my surprise there was no more harsh body load( which usually stays with me). But, to my disappointment, for some reason there were not many other effects left that had been there before I closed my eyes. I put on some more mellow music and grabbed something to eat. I sat down to eat and think about what I just saw. Over the next few minutes I realized the effects had completely disappeared. No visual distortion or auditory hallucinations, no harsh body load, no anxiety...nothing. I just sat there, not feeling.

7:30am - The trip is completely over for me, which is strange. My other foxy trips lasted between 5 and 6 hours. J still seemed to be tripping although he noted the effects were dying off gradually.

7:45am - I am bored and confused. I decide to lay back down and relax. Sleep came very easy this time. Within the next few minutes, I was out in dream land.

The next day I had a peaceful but worn out feeling over me. This was definitely one of the strangest experiences with any of the many psychedelic substances I’ve tried. Mostly because foxy has never been very intense for me. As soon as I get my hands on some more, I will definitely experiment with other music and settings.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 19914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2006Views: 7,519
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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