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Semi Normal but Jittery
Citation:   2cbnewbie. "Semi Normal but Jittery: An Experience with MDMA (exp20014)". Sep 11, 2005.

  repeated oral MDMA (capsule)
    insufflated 5-Methoxymethylone (powder / crystals)
    sublingual Pharms - Alprazolam  
[Erowid Note: The doses described in this report are potentially life threatening. The amount taken is beyond a heavy dose and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Doses such as this have been known to cause hospitalizations and/or deaths. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
The setting: a close friend's house. Lots of candles, lots of soft comfortable furniture, and a great MP3 sound system playing orbital, the egg, chemical brothers, and underworld.

I took 7 capsules (120mg) over the course of 14 hours or so, starting at 6pm one friday evening. Everyone else took about 4 or 5. (There were three people)

The first 4 were normal rushes, and I would take another when I started feeling myself coming down.

By about the 5th or 6th pill, I was getting SERIOUS eye wiggles, and started yawning like crazy. I could barely keep my eyes open. I was just laying back on the couch feeling an intense body buzz and an incredible drowsiness. I knew I was only seconds away from falling asleep. I had never felt so tired in my life.

Then *boom* out of nowhere, a wave of energy hit me and I sat up straight, and I was totally 100% wide awake. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever had.. One second I was completely exhausted and couldn't move- the next second I was full of so much energy I got up and started dancing around and chatting with my friends (who were on about 4 pills each).

With my new-found energy, I decided we should all snort another capsule. So we opened three capsules, crushed the powder with a spoon, divided it up into six GIANT lines, and each did two.. (one for each nostril!)

The burn was HORRIBLE. It felt like someone had jabbed a red hot knife up my nose. The burn continued for about a minute, then subsided a bit.. Then I started to taste the 'drip' in the back of my throat and nearly gagged. A little orange juice cleared up that problem.

Then it hit me. WHAM. I was propelled into a different level of 'awake' at about 100mph. My jaw started chattering, my hands started shaking, and I felt like I had just injected pure crystal meth into my veins. I went into the bathroom to splash some water on my face, looked into the mirror, and my pupils were HUGE. There was absolutely no color visible. My face looked 'evil' somehow. I wasn't trying to contort my face into an evil grin, but I was seeing it nonetheless. My face was also morphing into various faces that I didn't recognize as myself.. Hard to explain, but my face didn't look like ANYONE. It was just sort of a blank generic face.

My friend 'A' came into the bathroom and said we should all take a Xanax, because she and her friend were starting to get really rapid heartbeats and feeling paranoid. I agreed, and we each put two Xanax tablets under our tongues and let them dissolve. Waiting for the Xanax to kick in was an eternity. We felt horrible. WAY too intense, too much energy, we were actually worried about our health..

We sipped gatorade for about 15 minutes, until finally the Xanax took effect. We still had tons of energy, but our heartbeats had slowed back to semi-normal and we were no longer jittery. But we were still EXTREMELY fucked up. We couldn't finish a sentence without forgetting what the beginning of the sentence was. The visuals were absolutely crazy. I would look into A's eyes and would see swirling pinwheels. Sometimes she would appear to have red and black stripes over every exposed part of her skin. Not her clothes, not her hair, but ONLY her skin. My friend 'D' saw the same thing. To this day I wonder if our brains were actually seeing something that really exists, but normally we don't notice. The red and black stripes stayed there for the rest of the evening. It was if we were all wearing bodypaint!

Some other visuals were that it became impossible to see fine details in anything. We had a few koosh balls, and no matter how carefully we looked at them, they just appeared like cotton-balls. No individual rubber strands were visible at all! Also most surfaces seemed to have 'fuzz' on them about half an inch deep.. Sometimes it would appear that my friends had cellophane strips stuck in their hair, and every other time I would look at their faces I would see they were wearing black circular glasses!

We were so fucked up that we decided to stop talking- we couldn't say more than a few coherent words before it turned to unintelligible blather. We turned on the TV and actually couldn't understand the words that the people on TV were saying either. It was literally as if they were speaking another language.

So we just went to the bed and gave each other massages for the next hour or so. We ended up naked, but no sex occurred.. We just wanted to feel close and snuggly... The sun had come up at this point, so we decided to go out in the backyard to look around and get some fresh air.

Everything looked incredible. The clouds were changing from deep crimson to yellow to blue and back again.. The hills seemed to be alive, the trees were wiggling, and the sounds of nature seemed to be coming from inside my head.

'A' suggested we turn on the sprinkler and run through it, which turned out to be a great idea because the water droplets (while quite cold) felt like individual fingers tapping on my skin. It was just amazing.. I could see each individual drop of water flying through the air, even though in reality it was a constant stream.

We went back inside and forced ourselves to eat some crackers and a little bit of chicken soup, although we weren't hungry at all. We also took a multivitamin and drank some more gatorade..

We were still extremely fucked up, but at least we had finally regained the ability to speak english. We weren't in the least bit tired though.. We sat around for another few hours watching TV with the sound off and orbital playing on the stereo. We talked about politics, about love, about life, about god, about drug policy, about our jobs, about our friends, about everything. Absolutely wonderful.

We were feeling pretty gross from staying up all night, covered with sweat and feeling like MDMA was oozing from our pores.. So we all took turns taking a shower, and felt 1000000% better afterwards..

We were still wide awake at 11am, so we each took another two xanax and laid down on a big futon mattress in the living room snuggling some more and playing with each other's hair.. After about an hour, we finally got to sleep.. (but only for 5 hours or so)

I CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS LEVEL OF MDMA TO ANYONE. Although it was the most incredible E experience of my life, this much mdma could be dangerous to many people. I had a terrible depression for the following week, worse than I had ever experienced before.

But it was worth it. I had never seen visuals that weird even after trying mushrooms or LSD. I had never experienced anything even remotely like that night.

I am 100% certain we consumed only pure MDMA. These capsules were from a trusted source who has always had the exact same product. Not random pressed pills, but capsules made personally from pure mdma powder.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 20014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2005Views: 669
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MDMA (3) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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