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Its Discontents
Citation:   Ruben Remus. "Its Discontents: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp20061)". Mar 12, 2007.

3 oz oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
One night, on a whim, a friend and I decided to ingest a substantial dose of nutmeg, after hearing of its psychedelic potential from two other friends. Using store-brand ground nutmeg, we each ingested about three or four heaping spoonfuls of the fragrant powder. I found the taste of nutmeg to be quite unpleasant, and to this day the scent of the spice makes me feel queasy.

Shortly after ingesting the nutmeg, my friend and I felt excited and loose. I suspect that this was essentially a placebo effect. I waited around my friend's apartment for about an hour, hoping the effects of the nutmeg would set in, but gave up and returned home. I waited up for an hour or more at home, in case something set in, but I gave up and went to sleep. My friend did the same.

I awoke early in the morning to a very disorienting sensation which I can only liken to a very intense hangover. The morning light seemed extremely harsh and unpleasant, and I had a difficult time negotiating my way into the bathroom, where I tried to determine how exactly I was feeling.

I have had numerous experiences with different types of drugs, including psychedelics, with very pleasurable effects. In this case, however, what I was experiencing was nothing of the sort.

I felt very sick, and threw up about three times. A common case of the flu might be likened to the sensations I experienced, except that in this case I was more aggressively and unpleasantly disoriented.

In short, this was absolutely no fun, but in fact one of the more unfortunate experiences I can recall.

My friend, on the other hand, later told me that he had a very good experience. He likened it to having eaten marijuana and woken up the next day stoned (he swears by this method although I have never been successful eating pot raw). In general, he told me he felt 'stoned all day,' and didn't vomit or want to crawl under a moving truck the way that I did.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20061
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 8,717
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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