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Last Dance with the Champion
Citation:   Croc Hunter Dm. "Last Dance with the Champion: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp20233)". Jul 8, 2006.

T+ 0:00
  oral Vitamin C (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 50 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
  T+ 10:00 10 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 15:00 25 mg oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 15:00   oral Coffee (liquid)
Well howdy, folks. Good ol' Croc here, feeling mighty fatigued because I haven't slept in 28 hours and I'm about to go into work.

What we have here is the Last Dance with the Fox- I've got some plans which are going to take up my time for the next few months, so this most recent trip was the last of my supply of 5-meo-DiPT for a while.

I had awoken bright and early yesterday to get to work at 1pm, and stayed there until 8pm. On the way back I grabbed some cold, refreshing beverages at the store and headed back to my apartment.

I arrived and took an extra Vitamin C tablet and a regular dose of loperamide HCl (which is store brand Immodium to y'all) to quell the stomach cramps which I usually get with Foxy. I had two gelcaps, one with precisely 50mg of Foxy which I had measured several weeks earlier, and the other one with an extremely small amount which I didn't measure, but would guess to be at most 10mg.

I've become very comfortable with Foxy at 50mg. This didn't happen overnight, it was a gradual tolerance process, and I was very deliberate when I massed out precisely 50mg.

I dosed the 50mg of Foxy just before 9pm and hit the lava lamp to indicate my progress. I usually have to wait about an hour for a substance to set in, and that happens to match up nicely with the time it takes for the ol' lava lamp to warm.

Yet by the time the lava lamp was blazing away, around 11:30, I was getting only minimal effects. Or so I thought.

I turned on Letterman and from there the pattern of events get hazy. At these higher doses Foxy tends to have a very unique dissociative effect, different from what DXM delivers. I tend to forget who I am and what the hell I'm doing in place of the task or pre-occupation immediately before me, and the hallucinatory effects become secondary. Most of my cognitive thought was to avoid doing something really crazy that would get me noticed by my room mate, who keeps to himself and doesn't share in this 'hobby' of mine. Of course also bear in mind that I dosed this stuff a few hours before I usually hit the hay, and I was expecting for it to wear off and me to be able to sleep by about 2am. Hah.

By midnight the trip was in full effect, I was getting a wide variety of colors and distortions. Most noticeable in terms of the trip (remember I was also highly dissociated) were sound distortions, what I wrote in my 'trip notes' was 'Telescoping sounds.' Imagine one of those slide whistles which would produce a normal sound, say the audio on a TV talk show, and then imagine someone jamming on the slide whistle for all it was worth; the pitch and volume of the noises I heard kept varying erratically.

Occasionally I'd stare at myself in the mirror, at lower doses I didn't usually see pupil dilation but they were pretty well dilated now.

At some point I broke open the first can of my cold, refreshing beverages and began to drink it slowly. I was still feeling a bit of nausea, although the dissociation helped me avoid that. I found that having a good drink near the end of a Foxy trip helps reign it in and gives me more control, although I usually end up just a wee bit more 'tripsy' after I finish my beverages. Carbonated beverages can be substituted for non-carbonated ones.

Around 1am my room mate finally went to sleep after playing 8-bit Nintendo in the living room for what I estimated was 5-6 hours straight... he'd be doing it since before I dosed. I took that opportunity to drink my other beverage and waited a little longer... no diminishing in the quality of the trip. I was in it for the long haul, it seemed. I took a kava kava pill and a 1/4 piece of a melatonin pill about an hour after that. Still, around 4 and 5am, I was tossing and turning but sleep just wasn't going to happen. I turned on the TV again and fooled around with the laser pointer I had gotten as a trip toy. Nice trails provided by that. I found that by moving the laser point around the light on the ceiling very rapidly, I could sort of localize my hallucinations at the point I was circling, even though the trip was now finally starting to wear off.

At around 7am I got hungry, as I hadn't eaten since noon the previous day. I put some water to the boil for Ramen but then also whipped out the last remaining gelcap with the trace amount of powder. Up one nostril it went (the powder, not the gelcap) because the other one was too congested. Stupidly my Ramen was about ready when the taste hit the back of my throat, I didn't finish the bowl as a result. Also I don't think I'd ever snorted that much Foxy, the burning became very unpleasant so I ended up blowing it out after about ten minutes.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] Later I made some coffee and took a shower. I got myself ready and hit the town, enjoying the bright, crisp winter day. The cirrus clouds are magnificent, they'd yet to be burned away by the sun and they took on all sorts of intricate swirls and nice regular patterns. Oh, driving was a sonofabitch though. I just kept it nice and slow and obeyed the speed limit, no problems.

So here I am about 15 hours after the initial dosage. I'm quite tired. I've taken a 25mg ephedrine tablet and some more coffee, although I don't feel any more alert. I just hope I can stay awake through my work shift, but I don't foresee any problems. Not like I'm operating a crane or anything (I'm not).

I went into the trip expecting a whimper, but the Fox gave me one last bang for my buck. I got my money's worth out of that 5-MeO-DiPT, and I will certainly return to it one day, but not in the foreseeable future.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20233
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2006Views: 8,827
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