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A Better Way to Enjoy Betel
Betel Nut
Citation:   Skandre. "A Better Way to Enjoy Betel: An Experience with Betel Nut (exp20426)". Jun 3, 2003.

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3.0 g buccal Betel Nut
I submitted an earlier report to Erowid regarding Betel Nuts. In the report, I stated that I was not impressed with them at all. I also mentioned that I had seen a place online that offers Betel in a prepared form. I decided that I would like to see if this form of ingestion was better than my previous experiences, so I ordered a bag. When I received the bag, I opened it immediately and was blasted with the strong scent of peppermint. My spirits began to rise, as I love peppermint!

The product looked nothing like the raw Betel I had previously purchased...these looked like little 'nuggets'. The nuts had been chopped finely, then enhanced with guarana extract and amino acids. Mineral lime was added, along with peppermint oil, sugar and honey. I assume the honey acts as a bonding agent to make the little 'nuggets' hold together better. I put a small amount between my cheek and gum, and enjoyed the chew. I did not get a huge rush as I did with my very first Betel experience, but it was a nice lift that left my breath smelling great.

I have since ordered the same product many times. It even comes in other flavors, but the peppermint is my favorite. If you are someone who is interested in trying Betel Nuts, I would highly recommend this type of product over the raw nuts.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20426
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 3, 2003Views: 44,130
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Betel Nut (92) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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