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Smoke Of God Or Satan?
by exp
Citation:   exp. "Smoke Of God Or Satan?: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp20671)". May 15, 2003.

0.5 tablets smoked Methaqualone (pill / tablet)
Where I come from, South Africa, this drug is not taken orally as it's done in the rest of the world our country has a much more interesting aproach, smoking it. Methaqualone or Mandrax as it is reffered to here is the most used drug in South Africa. I have smoked a lot of Mandrax, which i do not regret, but i am really thankful that I don't do that shit anymore seeing as it's one of the most addictive substances around and has fucked up many, many lives.

I smoke it outa a bottle neck with a mixture of weed and tobacco. I fill the pipe with the weed and tobacco mix and smoke a little of it. Then I put out the pipe and put a little or big scoop of the crushed up white pill into the pipe. I stir it in a little with a match. Then I hit that pipe as hard as I fucking can. The world will change. My whole body goes numb. I start to drool. My eyes may roll back or close. I finish half the pill in this way, usually with a couple of people, it'll get you all absolutely wasted.

I usually get about 8 hits of the pipe out of half a pill, that's 16 hits from a whole one. Don't try smoking this stuff alone because you will not be able to light the second pipe.

And don't fuck around with Mandrax. It is very addictive!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20671
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2003Views: 29,783
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Methaqualone (218) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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