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An A+ In My Book
Kava Kava
Citation:   Kava Man. "An A+ In My Book: An Experience with Kava Kava (exp20866)". Feb 14, 2003.

3 cups oral Kava (tea)
I'd read a lot about Kava, and had decided that it was worth a shot. I'd tried just about every other licit and illicit substance that I could get my hands on, and I'm reaching a point in my life where I'm ready for something less intense. From what I'd read, Kava was just the substance.

I had heard about a reverse tolerance with Kava, similar to that with Marijuana. Basically, the first few times you try it, the results will be less than 100%. Therefore, I gave it several tries before I drew any conclusions.

I ordered a pound of Hawaiian Skinless Mo'I from a popular provider, and it arrived a couple days later. Excitedly, I prepared my first beverage. *ugh* It tasted like ass...I prepared it just as the container suggested, and managed to choke it down. Not only did it taste disguisting, but I didn't notice any effects.

After several tries, and eventually getting my hands on a more potent variety, I was able to understand what all the hype was about.

My most recent experience involved 3 glasses of Kava, each containing about 2-3 Tbsp of Kava powder each. After each glass I can feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation. I would describe it as a mix between the effects of marijuana and alcohol, although containing NONE of the negative affects with either.

It is relaxing like alcohol without the intoxication, and it makes me mellow like Marijuana without the anxiety or the stupidity. I get sort of a squinted eye relaxation and I just want to lay down. My bed feels like a soft cloud. I've heard of public speakers taking a glass of kava before hand. I can understand why. It definitely reduces a ton of anxiety.

Kava is a great beverage. Granted, the taste definitely takes some getting used to. It took me a while to find a preparation that is palatable, but it is definitely worth it for someone who is looking for a nice mellow substance. It is not an intense feeling, but like someone else had mentioned, it is definitely not placebo either. Kava gets an A+ in my book.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 20866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2003Views: 85,119
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Kava (30) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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