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Fear and Bliss in Las Vegas
by Pea
Citation:   Pea. "Fear and Bliss in Las Vegas: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp20921)". Feb 1, 2003.

40 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT
This quote from the 5-meo-DMT vault sums up my experience:
'Descriptions of its effects range from 'bliss' to 'chemical terror'.'


Various amounts were smoked by various people over a couple of weeks, starting small, culminating in a few large hits. Rolling in splifs, from bongs over ash, and vaporisation were all experimented with. Bongs being the easiest way to get lots into your brain without pain (wasefull though), followed by vaporising (least wastefull, most harsh).

I found it visual but not like DMT, colors didn't change, but it does start off visual. The onset is unpleasant with any dosage, but beyond the peak of the experience there is a fantastic sence of awe and wonder at the world, life and people. Which I have to describe as beautifull.

Small doses smoked throughout an evening with good company is entertaining to say the least, a tolerance develps quickly however, but with the tolerance comes a reduction in the fear/pain as you come-up, the experience is similar to that of a low dose MDMA-like steady state of mind, with little peaks as you smoke some more.

At this point it is impossible to go 'all the way' as described bellow, without a break of a day or so.

*EFFECTS OF A LARGE DOSE* (~40mg, two inhalations)

Big doses on a fresh head always did exactly the same thing in this order:

T+4seconds Make me crap my pants (F=5)
(It hurts as it comes on, I can't explain in what way, NOT like an elephant sitting on your head)

T+8s Make me think I was going to die (F = 9)
(Think my heart and breathing had stopped, as well as a building deep fear.)

T+18s Send me everywhere, which is ULTIMATELY scary (F = 100)
(Some kind of 'black' singularity.)

T+30s Seem to blackout, at which point I am everywhere and fear is not a factor. (F != 0)

(Have nothing to compare to, so can only say what it's not like: Not like DMT, where you move about in the 'space'. Not like ketamine, where you also flow around, and see individual 'things'. It's more a single point, containing everything and nothing.)

T+5m Begin to come back, with fear replaced with a powerful sense of reassurance. (F = -100)
(self is aware of what just happened, but can't hold on to any of it)

T+5.5m Come all the way back and have a huge enthusiasum for life. (F = -10)

(I'm sure everybody has a fear of death, I'm not someone who sits and thinks about my own death, but like most people I'm sure, I have a sense of having to achieve things with my life, which is based on my mortality. But for a couple of days afterwards it is completely gone, a very serene feeling that I have everything right now, with no regret. (Didn't stop me doing things, on the contrary, made me happy in what I'm doing!))

T+2d Utter normality (F = 0)


Shulgin uses his rating scale for assessing compounds, 5-meo-dmt is ++++, but that doesn't describe the fear!

To be a ponce, i've created a fear rating scale (F) between 0 -> 100, of that sharp intake of breathe type fear. Negative values describe a state of peace, contentment, not relief so much. Comparison in () underneath.

In normal life, short fearful events might get up to ~10, including car crashes, panic attacks, nearly/actually falling off high things and being trampled by more than one horse. Often these events are followed by pain, at which point the fear is pretty much gone. Most people will know how scared they have been, and had some of these things happen. I based it on personal experiences, since I have thankfully not been in a situation of long term fear, (only stress) this is my basis. (Long term fear isn't the same anyway)

1-5:Start loosing control of a car, probably get it back control of the car.
5-10:Realize you will be lucky to come away without serious injury/death, DMT gets about here before you learn you can relax with it.(first few MDMA experiences, come on, you remember!)
10-20:Feeling of certain mortality within a 20 seconds of perception of danger.
20-100:Not naturally encountered fear. (I don't have a clue!, 2-day speed ball? I doubt it)

With 5-meo you get scared, get to the reason you were scared, go through it, and experience the opposite. I have no idea what is so scary about it, but it is.


This 'it feels like an elephant sat on your head', I really don't agree with, you can't fight it, I'm sure if I had, it might have felt like that.
I think it is less recreational than DMT but it is equally rewarding.

Having watched various people take it, I assume I did the same thing: Pull odd facial expressions, make odd noises of the repetitive 'uurrr, sheff, urrr...' variety whilst breathing noisily and deeply.
I saw one guy vibrate, pass out and go to sleep for a couple of hours, before waking up unaware that he had even smoked it, and I've been told people can be sick if they have been drinking.

And all though this may seem to encourage taking this stuff, having done it I haven't gained anything but perhaps an odd experience, what's the point!?

I have no urge to try it again, in fact drugs in general don't do anything new to me so I don't have anything to do with them anymore, except perhaps GHB!

Have fun!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 20921
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2003Views: 13,745
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