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Spinning Spiral Psychedelic Sperm Fish
Morning Glory
Citation:   OhadiEleven. "Spinning Spiral Psychedelic Sperm Fish: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp21080)". Nov 24, 2005.

8.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

10:30AM - My girl friend and I ingested 8g each of ground Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds in yogurt, on an otherwise empty stomach. This was to be our first LSA trip. At 11:30 we both began feeling nauseated, so we lay down. At around 12, my girlfriend puked. I forced myself to puke so that I wouldn’t trip harder than her since I am usually the responsible one when we trip together. I had already digested all of the morning glory seeds so it didn’t make much of a difference.

12:30PM - I began feeling a little dreamy and distant, and what looked like a vague wave of steam began covering everything, and some difficulty in thinking clearly. My girlfriend had already begun to feel some more extreme effects, and she began crying. I called my mother to come pick us up so that we could trip in a friendlier environment. I put her socks and shoes on, and helped her out to her car, since she couldn’t walk by herself. I wanted to walk around outside, but she was in pain so I drove instead. (Note; driving on LSA is NOT a good idea) We had 20 minutes before our ride was going to be there, so we went to the park. On the way there, the dead looking naked trees danced above me, and people’s faces seemed to be twisted into ugly hostile expressions.

Once at the park I helped her onto the swing, and then ran over to the footbridge over the dry river. This was the first time that any extreme visual effects were noticed. The shadows of the trees below me began to grow together into one black river running up the side of the gulch, sticking up out of the earth like roots. I knew that I still had to drive a couple blocks, so we left immediately. When I was driving, no hallucinations occurred.

1:00PM - We went into a used clothing store to look around. All of the people seemed to be watching us and all of the fabric’s textures and patterns were becoming very vivid. My mom arrived and brought us safely to my house. On the 15-minute drive, the trees danced outside of the window. When I briefly closed my eyes, I first noticed psychedelically colored geometric shapes that were spinning.

1:20PM - In my room, we left the light off, turned on the music and lay down. The geometric shapes became more vivid and complex when I closed my eyes. With my eyes open, colors echoed off of shapes in repetitive reflections that expanded forever in every direction. Soon, the difference between having my eyes open and having them closed was hard to decipher. Spinning spiral psychedelic rainbow sperm fish swam in schools behind my eyes.

My girlfriend and I spoke very little, but when we did it was small fragments of sentences that I’m sure wouldn’t make much sense to anyone outside of our trip, but it was our own language, that I understood perfectly. She began massaging my back… each spot that she touched on my back corresponded to a rush of vivid colors and shapes that was sent through me. I would gasp or sob or laugh with each set of new information. It seemed so healing… so I massaged her as well, and she had her own corresponding sounds and reactions. We rolled around on top of each other and tangled our body parts together to the point where I had forgot where she ended and I began. I was certain that we were hallucinating the same things at once, so I tried to tell her what I was seeing… “Naked women everywhere”…”me too!” When we touched each other, instead of just the geometric shapes and colors that I experienced when I was lying still, I saw figures of naked women, eyes and faces of color people with flying hair streaming behind them. When I opened my eyes to try to regain my sense of direction, I still couldn’t even decide which direction was up.

It seemed like hours had passed. I was convinced that she and I were the same person for the past two hours or so until I had to go to the bathroom… so I tried to regain my sanity by turning on the light. While I was out in the hallway trying to make my way through the bright fire landscape, I ran into my mom and my grandma. My mother made some sort of comment like “good god” and laughed a little. I hurried as fast as I could back to my room. Once back we turned out the light again. We lay without touching in quiet, so I drifted off into a different world again. I would go through sequences of psychedelic kaleidoscope shapes in such an incredibly fast rate that I would often scream out loud. Sometimes along the colorful journey I would forget where and who I was, and then I would say out loud, “Help me! I am lost!” My girlfriend would then grab me and shake me. For the few periods during the whole time that my eyes were open, I would stare at her and she would morph into this cartoon version of herself, with huge eyes and extra long eyelashes. When I closed my eyes after seeing her, the image would remain in my mind, but it would be further colored by the psychedelic colors I saw. We would both say out loud “Beauty” often when our eyes were open. I would marvel at how I could move her body and other ways that I could physically change the environment around me. At one point we got on our hands and knees, and swayed back and forth as if dancing together, listening to the sounds of the outside world. My mother would make some obscure seemingly random comment, and then I would elaborate on it for Krista and turn it into a story. For example my mother said something along the lines of “make Buster eat it” referring to our dog. Then I would tell my girlfriend “She wants Buster to eat it so he gets bigger and bigger, and then eats our house, and then large cities… And then eventually grow so big that he eats the whole world!” and then I would laugh hysterically at the vivid image of my small cocker spaniel eating the planet Earth. When I imagined him trying to poop the world out, I experienced extreme physical pain.

Every once in a while my girlfriend would begin crying over something, like a couple of times I put a button in her belly button.

5:55PM - I rolled around after eternity, and my girlfriend had to catch a ride home with my parents, but she was tripping pretty hard still, so she began crying over having to go home. She couldn’t move much, so I got her dressed and buttoned her up… she begged to stay with me until she was sober, but she had no other way home so I got her ready anyway… she puked one more time to assure that she wouldn’t trip a whole lot longer. I walked her to the car and she left.

I was still hallucinating, but I left my room to find something to eat anyway. I found that the hallucinations didn’t occur as much in the light as in the dark. My last profound hallucination was when I noticed a picture of a baby on a blanket. The blanket looked so vivid and real, that I had to touch the photo to make sure that it wasn’t real. After I ate I took a shower. In the shower, all of my visions were mainly white-based rainbow spirals instead of the black ones I was seeing in my room. My feet looked dark red and grew in size until they looked twice the size they were supposed to be. I looked at my skin and noticed my veins were huge and dark blue… For a moment I almost panicked, thinking that maybe my heart had popped and that all of the blood in my body had run to my feet…. So I got out of the shower as quickly as I could and lay down in my room in the dark again. This was at about 7:00PM. After a half hour or so of watching the diminishing visual effects, I got on the Internet and stayed on talking to friends for the next 4 hours. Whenever I closed my eyes I still saw the geometric shapes, but no other effect besides that. When I went to bed at midnight, I found it hard to get to sleep because of the shapes that continued to fill my head. Eventually they stopped and I fell asleep.

This was a very interesting, beautiful and strange trip- but I’m not sure that I will ever seek it out again. The only long lasting side effects that I have noted is how dull and uninteresting colors appear now, and I momentarily gave up on my artistic pursuits because of how pathetic my pieces are compared to the images I saw in my head. I feel generally more appreciative of other people’s points of view, and sort of brain-dead- but whether or not this has anything to do with the morning glory seeds, I don’t know. My only regret is that I didn’t take more; so that I could have hallucinated more with my eyes open as well.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21080
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2005Views: 18,598
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Morning Glory (38) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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