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Leafy Creature
Citation:   Hypersphere. "Leafy Creature: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp21119)". Sep 14, 2007.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I took 1.5 g of very strong mushrooms, with two friends who took 1.5 and 2 g respectively. Yes, I know that 1.5 g is not a large dose, but I am quite sensitive to psilocybin. Any amount over 1 gram usually gives me strong effects. The mushrooms were all broken up into fine slivers in the baggie - and it looked like a lot of spores.

First effects were noted at T+ 30 minutes. I felt really stoned, similar to the feeling of marijuana. The mental effects started to kick in at T+ 45 minutes, with lots of euphoria, and a feeling that I was not responding to the world, someone else was. The mushrooms had little waves, where over the course of about 30 seconds I would feel normal, then start tripping out, trip out a lot and then suddenly feel normal again, only to repeat the process. I started noticing some visuals - the light on the ceiling had a bright aura around it, and the walls and ceiling were distorted, not seeming to meet at right angles. We decided to go out for a walk.

Just before leaving, I looked at this fake fig tree by the door, and it promptly turned into a leafy creature with six arms and a long, pointy snout. The snout was opening and closing, mouthing words at me. I was so confused that I thought 'I bet if I wasn't on mushrooms I could figure out what that guy was saying to me.' By this point my time sense was greatly distorted. A sober person counted off the seconds; 1... 2... and I was greatly surprised, because they seemed to be separated by a great length of time. I was giddy and kept laughing as we walked down the side walk.

Around T+ 1h 15 min the visuals started becoming far more prominent. The sidewalk was rising up towards me, and I soon found that everything I looked at was too intense, would trip me out too much. I looked at the sky, and the clouds writhing down sinuously like snakes. I turned my eyes towards a field of grass, and it turned into a waving sea of grass, an army of grass marching towards me. For relief, I looked at the grass at my feet, and it turned a strange tan colour, and seemed to be disintegrating in a sepia wind over hundreds of years. Looking back up, I saw a line of Lombardi poplars, in brilliant fall orange, an orange that seemed to flow out of the leaves, to emanate from the leaves. These trees were contrasted against an intensely cobalt blue sky, and the side of a brick building. The bricks seemed to be crawling around, and they would form geometric patterns on the wall. Everything was the most intense experience of my life.

It took us half an hour to walk 10 metres in a small park. I was peaking out around T+ 1h 30 min, and I started throwing up. Like everything else, throwing up was the most intense experience of my life. I got this weird body high, where I was buzzing all over, and I felt really cold but I couldn't decide if I was actually really cold or just really high, and it confused and frustrated me. We tried to take the bus back to my friend's house, but it took us about 20 minutes to remember what we were doing long enough to reach the bus stop. The wait for the bus was incredibly long, experientially, though only 10 minutes in reality. The visuals were beginning to subside somewhat, but everything was still crawling around. I was listening to a sober friend talking, but it was like I was watching TV without paying attention - I could hear all these funny sounds, but I had no idea what they meant, I could piece them together.

At T+ 2h 15 min we got back to the house. I still had significant visuals and mental effects for another hour and a half, and then the mushrooms gradually tapered off. The burnout wasn't bad - just a mild headache and the feeling I'd just been crushed by weight of experience. I had somewhat of an afterglow the next day, things looked slightly strange or different than normal.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 21119
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2007Views: 6,402
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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