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Citation:   SullenChoirboy. "Uninspired: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp21129)". Feb 10, 2003.

20 mg oral 2C-T-2
It had been over a month since my bad trip with HBWR. I was still feeling strange and confused, but thought a session with a new substance might provide the beginning of a healing process. Fortunately, I was able to procure a small sample of 2C-T-2, something I was previously inexperienced with and excited to try.

The lack of a serene and comfortable setting was initially a major concern; I could only plan for a quiet night at home by myself. This wasn't an ideal setting, but I assumed that once onset was imminent I'd be able to walk to a nearby duck pond to embrace the starlit sky with my mallard friends.

So, at 11:30 PM, four hours after my last meal and an hour or so after light meditation and small dose of cannabis, I poured 20mg of 2C-T-2 into my mouth, washed the bitter powder down with water, and entertained myself with IRC and music while waiting for onset. After only half an hour, I was already feeling an indefinable sensation in my body. It felt strange, for lack of a better word. Sometime around T+1:00, the night's path was showing itself to me.

A rather uncomfortable body load was building, so I lied on the couch, as I tend to do when riding out first waves of nausea, listening to Eclipse: A Journey of Permanence and Impermanence on the stereo in my dark den. With the body load, auditory hallucination began to grow as well, something I hadn't expected from this compound at all. It was vague - just a bunch of noise drowning out everything else, much like I've experienced during the peak of a 650mg DXM trip.

I was feeling surprisingly disassociated at this point and equally uncomfortable. I shut my eyes and watched vague, surreal visual noise take form and decompose, all the while looking for distraction from the body load and hoping for a body high to replace it before I vomited. The high, however, never came. There was a sensation, or perhaps a lack thereof, of a mild anesthetic, but was in no way pleasurable.

Halfway through the CD, no longer able to discern any music, I opted for some visual stimulation instead. A rising erotic urge moved me to turn on my television where I found an 'adult' movie on HBO. As I watched the beautiful friction of flesh, I continued to grow in arousal. This wasn't enhanced by the drug in any way, but it led to the first appearance of OEVs, two or more hours after dosing. It was similar to mushrooms, though more pronounced and focused. Objects swelled and contracted. There seemed to be a light filling the room, slowly phasing between red, yellow, blue, and green. Tracers were so strong that the characters in the movie wouldn't simply go from one action to the next, but would morph between positions. Every feature on their bodies, especially the head, acted independently, breathing and constantly changing shape. Tribal markings began showing on faces, something I found to be pretty entertaining. Occasionally, a face would turn into a skull and then regrow its skin. I closed my eyes expecting to see a world even more vivid, but CEV phenomenon were still rather weak. I opened my eyes again and saw that my visual field had been filled with sparkles, much like a grainy film quality. I stared on, for nothing else came to mind.

As impressive as this may sound on paper, my frame of mind was simply uninterested. More than anything, I felt apathetic, numb throughout my entire being. Even with as stressful as this was with my body, my mind was bored and never came to any insight. Perhaps this was due to my uninspiring settings, in which I found myself unable to escape. There was a stiffness in my body, much like that of LSA. Movement was such a pain, so I could do nothing other than lie on my back waiting for sleep.

I put on the Passion: The Last Temptation of Christ soundtrack hoping that music would turn me around, but I had a hard time hearing anything over the irritating noise in my head. I just stepped back into obscurity and waited until I was too exhausted to stay awake. This was almost a bad trip, but that would imply my feeling of some emotion. It was nothing more than a numb, uncomfortable psychosis.

As uninterestingly it began, so it should end. At 4:30 AM, having finally come to baseline, I dragged myself to bed. I lied awake for a couple of hours contemplating the fruitless journey. Was it a property of the chemical? Was it my frame of mind? Was it claustrophobia? I still don't know for certain.

The next day was awful. I had the headache of a lifetime. It was tolerable when I sat still, but even the slightest movement would quickly fill my head with pain and have me beg for mercy. This lasted all day, as did nausea. It was probably the worst hangover I've experienced, again something I didn't expect from this compound. This trip was disappointing. Honestly, I think it was the most uninspired vision I've ever had. Now days after, I can say for sure that it had no impact on me whatsoever, for better or for worse.

Unimpressed? Yeah, me too. Should I just chalk it up to bad set and setting? I had a low dose of 5-MeO-DiPT today and managed to get far more out of that experience than I did with 2C-T-2, surprisingly. I won't be trying this chemical again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2003Views: 17,967
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2C-T-2 (53) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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