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The Time Machine
Citation:   Laura. "The Time Machine: An Experience with GHB (exp21138)". Jun 25, 2007.

  oral GHB
My experience with GHB was interesting because I found that it made me more emotional to music. I got sentimental and maudlin on the stuff and spent time looking at old photo/school albums while listening to old favourites. I was getting a little disoriented and almost nodding off but not quite so I know I was on the threshold level. I was able to retop the dosage two or three times by just taking a bit extra as the effects wore off. There was about a 10 minute delay from ingestion to onset.

I found that my memories of my early teenage years were coming back to me very strongly and I was able to listen to these old songs as if I were going back to that time. I also felt spiritual and peaceful. I felt God's presence and even sensed a couple people who I've known who have died. I couldn't see them but it was if they could have been in the next room. I felt safe and loved by an unseen presence, though I didn't actually 'see' or encounter any spiritual being. It was just an overall feeling of almost being in two worlds at once. It was like I could sense eternity. It made me wonder if this is how it may feel to be close to one's deathbed, in that I was sensing more than what I could actually see.

I've read about and heard that dying people (slow lingering deaths) sometimes have this gradually increasing sensation of sensing the spiritual more as they get closer to death. It's a subtle thing. My coordination was affected and when I went out to buy a can of Dr Pepper I noticed that I was quite disoriented as I was walking to the shops. Things seemed farther away. I also noticed that objects, if anything, looked slightly longer and thinner so that my soft drink can looked taller than normal. Drinking fluid is heavenly! I would get a pleasurable erogenous sensation, particularly in my mouth and lips for some reason rather than around my genitalia. I could imagine that oral sex could be very fulfilling on GHB, i.e. performing fellatio, though I've never tried it whilst under the influence.

I don't feel too bad now but I'm wired and I can't sleep. Perhaps this is the so-called 'dawn effect'. I feel slightly queasy so I believe I will have a bit of a comedown though not as bad as from either alcohol or ecstasy. The stuff I bought came in a sort of mushy playdo consistency and can either mix it into a drink or sometimes I'll just grab a lump and swallow it as if it were a tablet. I bought it at a health food shop here in London, which they probably weren't really supposed to do; but I don't think it's fully illegal here yet. It probably will be soon so I'm enjoying it while I can. I was at home when I did this because I wouldn't have wanted to be out in a public place while so intoxicated. I can see how it could be used as a date rape drug. I masturbated after I came down and found it harder to come but my orgasm was more intense.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21138
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 28,392
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GHB (25) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Alone (16)

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