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The Peak of the Day
Chocolate & Mushrooms (edible)
Citation:   cicp420. "The Peak of the Day: An Experience with Chocolate & Mushrooms (edible) (exp21162)". Feb 9, 2023.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
    oral Chocolate (edible / food)
I am 16 years old. I used to smoke a lot of herb, but now I get drug tested, so I only smoke once a month. I love shroomz and I think they are a great gift from the earth. I think they are a mind expanding experience that really connects me to nature and I can perceive the way things are meant to be. Here is a trip report about one of my most 'touching' trips, it had a major effect on my life and the way I lead it.

My friend and I both consumed a mushroom chocolate. Each contained 2.5g of psilocybin mushrooms. We had planned out the whole day. We had a backpack with lots of music, we had our tripping glasses and we had a list of shit to do to occupy our minds. It was around 11:45 when we each ate our chocolates and consumed 3 vitamin c pills each. I decided around 10 minutes later to go outside because it had started to snow. I was liking the snow falling down from the sky and was engulfed by the thought of each snowflake being totally unique. I started to hackie sack in Fuse's (my tripping companion) driveway for about 10 minutes.

Then I walked across the street and into a field of snow, I was thinking a lot but I had not yet started to trip. I walked down a hill and knew it was not an occurrence of nature and that humans had altered the landscape to make this hill the way it was. I started to think about if little hills like this existed in nature. Anyways, I started hackie sacking in the snowy field some more then decided to check on Fuse and see how he was doing. I walked into his driveway again and changed my mind. I wanted to hackie sack some more. So I started to hack. The colors from my sack started to leak because it had gotten wet from being in the snow. Just then I looked at my hand and saw the blue stains on my hand. I realized my hand looked odd, disproportionate.

I had started to trip. After I noticed how odd my hand was looking and how odd the blue stain on my hand looked, I started feeling those indescribable feelings that I absolutely love. Partial anxiety but partial emptiness of the soul. Not in a bad way, but like all of my insides are outside. Right next to my chest. I decided I should share this information with Fuse so I walked inside and saw him walking around in circles looking for shit to put in his tripping bag. I said 'man, I'm feeling it, hahaha' he replied 'man. Me too' so we decided we needed tripping glasses. I walked over to a counter with a basket filled with glasses and went through about 3 pairs before I found the perfect one. I put them on and left them on. At this time it was about 12:10.

My girlfriend's mom pulled into the driveway and dropped her off, so I went out and greeted them. I was tripping hard. My girlfriend has never tripped. We wanted to enhance our trip so we went to the computer room and listened to some trippy music, looked at some trippy programs and basically tripped out. At this point my glasses started to vibrate, I could see that vision of a vibration, like the glasses were expanding while on my face.

I noticed it was now 12:33 and commented on how 12 was such a good number. We came to the conclusion that it was because it was the peak of the day. It was right in the middle, it couldn't be happier.
I noticed it was now 12:33 and commented on how 12 was such a good number. We came to the conclusion that it was because it was the peak of the day. It was right in the middle, it couldn't be happier.
At this point Fuse yelled out 'Oh Shit!' I was like 'what man?' and he said 'my Dad's home. Are you cool' I replied 'yeah dude, I'll hold it down'. So I took my glasses off. Put them on. Took them off. Put them on. Then finally took them off. Fuse kept his on. We walked into the kitchen and his dad says 'what is this. The sunglasses brigade?' I am glad I took mine off. Me and my girlfriend sat in the kitchen while Fuse ran around looking for the last minute things for the trip bag.

His dad talked to me about school, and about makeup work, and I told him I was doing ok. Then I diverted my attention to the dog, that savior, it was something I could play with and it wouldn't seem like I was fucked up, I could make squeaky voices and say 'Oooohhh, little doggy. Your so cuuuute!' and Fuse's paps thought nothing of it. Phew. We finally left. Fuse realized he did nothing he had intended too, he even forgot his jacket, and we only had like 1 CD. God dammit.

We walked down a gravel road behind Fuse's house and the road looked like it was liquid. It was flowing. I put my glasses back on and it enhanced my visualizations. I looked at the gravel and the colors were morphing and switching spots. It's hard to explain but it looked so fucking cool. We decided to walk on some paths behind Fuse's house. We walked around and I was so connected with nature. I was in utopia. Fuse decided to smoke a bowl and I walked around by myself on the paths for a bit. He talked to my girlfriend for a bit, and when I came back it seemed as if they were having a fun conversation. So I decided to join in. Fuse was sitting on a fallen down tree, but this tree had broken about 15 feet up so it was like an acute triangle on the ground. He looked like the cheshire cat. That was cool.

We walked around and I got angry at society. I threw my backpack on the ground and said 'fuck this man, what use does that have? Its fucking plastic, I don't want that shit'. Fuse said 'man, grab your plastic. Think of when the trips over, you're gonna want that shit.' That was one of the most important concepts that I still tell myself now when I trip. So I grabbed my plastic and we walked some more.

So we were sitting talking about how the trees looked fucked up and they were bending and I looked at a stump and the different shades of brown were flowing into each other, it was wild. We talked about how I wanted to be in the wild, and walk with the deer, run with them in the forest and be happy. I was thinking about how deer don't run away from crows and turkeys, but they run away from us. Do crows and deer hang out and have bonfires and smoke joints behind our backs? No, no they don't. At that point I decided to run through the forest. That was a good time. Then I fell into a pile of sticks and got some nasty shit that I thought was deer shit on me. Curse those deer. They run away from me then set traps of shit for me to fall in. All I wanted to do was pet them and smoke with them. Fuse and I had more deep deep conversations about who 'gets it', those concepts I only get when expanding my mind with psilocybin.

It had been about 2 hours in the forest and we decided we should get back to society. We had to at some point, and it was getting cold. So we called up Sidra (my friend who trips, but was not tripping at the time, he was our driver). Sidra brought my girlfriend home and then we went to the mall. I was still tripping, not as hard though, I was coming down. We got chinese food. It was great. The lady who rung up our bill looked like a gazelle. She was a gazelle. I guess I wasn't coming down as much as I thought I was. I ate my chinese and we decided to go to a movie. We thought The Lord of the Rings 2 would enhance our trip.Well, the movie sucked. Not enough color for a tripping person. So me and Fuse left and walked around the mall, we saw some people and talked to them, at his point my trip was almost over. So we re-entered the movie and finished it, saw the last battle scene, I guess it was cool. Then we left.

It was a great trip and I realized how to live my life and not be the kind of person society wants me to be, to be unique and no typical. To be ok with the things that happen in life and use the slogan 'it is what it is'. Be happy...


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 21162
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 9, 2023Views: 469
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Chocolate (182), Mushrooms (39) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Personal Preparation (45), Nature / Outdoors (23), Families (41), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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