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WIthdrawal and Megashocks
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Citation:   mUsHrOoMaJiK. "WIthdrawal and Megashocks: An Experience with Paroxetine (Paxil) (exp21337)". Jun 8, 2007.

40 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
I was prescribed Paxil as an anti-depressent for my diagnosed bi-polar disorder. I have been on many anti-depressants the past couple of years. When I would be drinking or smoking ganja heavily I would stop taking the Paxil because the docter said that mixing this stuff was dangerous. I have always done this but with the paxil, the morning of the skipped does or even the day after, I would develop a POUNDING headache. I'm talking migraine shit with the sensitivity to light and puking. I believe it was paxil withdrawl.

When I stopped taking the Paxil for good (well, what I thot was for good) the level of the headaches was not as severe, probably because there was no alcohol involved and no, it was not a hangover I experianced previously. However, I came across something that is possibly worse then a migraine. I like to call them 'the shocks'. I thought it was me and I had a brain tumor or something but I found out I was not the only one with this problem. These didn't begin until about 3 weeks after I stopped the medication cold turkey.

I would have minor shocks throughout the day, they last maybe a few seconds at random intervals. It feels like a minor adrenaline rush of some sort but its not very pleasent, it has more of a tickly and prickly feeling in your brain. Also, colors would shift and intensify, I know this sounds fun but its not, and I would hear a ringing in my ears when this happend. Uncomfortable, yes. Can I live with them? Maybe.

But I CANNOT live with this. When still awake and trying to fall asleep the shocks would be much weaker. Just after slipping into sleep, on the other hand, its the shocks times 30. After about 15 - 30 minutes after falling asleep, I would be vividly dreaming when something in my dream caused would cause me distress, then I would suddenly feel like I was being ELECTROCUTED, not just shocked. Why there is a connection between the feelings of distress in my dream and these 'mega shocks' I do not know, but one thing I know is that it is a sample of what it feels like to be in hell. It's not just my brain this time, its a full body feeling. When the mega shocks begin in my dream, I cannot take the pain of the electrocutions.

I know at this point what is going on but I HAVE TO FORCE MYSELF TO WAKE UP FROM IT or it won't stop. After waking up, my vision is very fuzzy and I am extremely freaked out. I have woken up and gone back to sleep with this happening at least 10 times. They seem to stop about 3 hours of repeatedly trying to fall asleep. I go to bed at 9 or so and I don't fall asleep and sleep all the way through til morning until about 12.

This caused me to begin takin this medication again. I will have to try and gradually decrease my dosage and maybe it will decrease the intensity of the mega shocks. Other withdrawl symptoms I experiance were tremors, chills, moodswings, gastrointestinal problems, loss of apetite, and for some reason an inability to control my laughter. I couldn't even crack jokes right because I'd start laughing before I'd finish my sentence.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21337
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2007Views: 10,508
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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