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Mixed Feelings for a Legal Substance
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Sir Heronton. "Mixed Feelings for a Legal Substance: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp21385)". Feb 19, 2003.

4 hits smoked Sceletium tortuosum (plant material)
Part One

Looking for a legal alternative to Cannabis I had read several things on Sceletium Tortuosum (kanna). I ordered a small amount to give it a try. I was very surprised at the buzz I got from this plant. I took about 4 or five small hits in a one hit pipe...holding the smoke for as long as I had a strange but not unpleasent taste. It took about 15 minutes to really feel the effects ...a nice mellow pot like buzz but without the time distortion that cannabis gives. My face felt kind of hot but not like a 'I feel sick hot'...just a strange heat like sensation. I would really like to smoke the whole amount that I have to see what happens but it's expensive and kind of hard to I'm saving it.

I am already looking for some place to get some live plants and have searched for a couple of days now with no luck....seeds can be had (but they are hard to find as well) but I think I would have better luck with rooted plants. A very pleasent plant indeed... but it's no replacement for the song says 'there's nothin like the real thing.'

Part Two

After experimenting with Sceletium tortuosum for a few days in a search for a legal Marijuana alternative to ease my depression. I at first had high hopes I had found what I was looking for.

As I reported in my first submission to this vault 'it was a pretty good buzz after 4 or 5 hits' but now after several days of using it in small amounts (it's hard to put into words)... but ...In my spirit I feel there is something in this plant that is harmful...not sure what it is but I'm not comfortable with it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2003Views: 43,437
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