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Kinetic Dream
Citation:   Pointless. "Kinetic Dream: An Experience with Dreaming (exp21404)". Nov 5, 2003.

First, let me give some background on my experience with lucid dreams. For the past few weeks, I have been keeping a journal of all my dreams. My dream recall has increased 10 fold. I used to be lucky to remember a good dream once every few weeks. Now, I can remember at least an entire dream a night, with 2 complete dreams and 2 dream fragments being my absolute record since starting not too long ago.

I have had one lucid dream, but it was a shadow of an experience. I was only partially lucid, and it only lasted a few minutes. I don't remember too much of it. That was a few days ago.

I am taking no drugs or supplements except a generic vitamin tablet and some calcium. You will realize the importance of my sobriety because my dream resembles a drug-induced experience very closely. I have experimented with DXM, ephedra, morning glory, and various other drugs, and the last drug I took was ephedra 4 days ago.

Leading up to the experience, I had one dream. It wasn't anything noteworthy, but I woke up in the middle of the night and turned the light on to record it in my journal. Then I read about dreams on the Internet for about 30 minutes. Following that, I read my journal and picked out all of the inconsistencies to prepare myself to be able to spot my dreams once I fall asleep. As I fell asleep, I thought about all the dreams I've had and chanted to myself, 'I want to...know when I'm dreaming.'

The exercises worked. I don't know whether I was asleep or awake at the time, but I suddenly became lucid. My body jittered with excitement, but suddently the jitters turned into (harmless) convulsions and the feeling of euphoria or 'freaking out.' Very difficult to describe. I found myself outside my body. I was a lifeless entity or narrator, looking over my body indifferently. I couldn't actually feel myself shake, but I could watch myself shake. Excitement continued to overwhelm me over being in this state.

The whole time, I realized that I would wake if I continued like this. I read somewhere that if you spin your dream body, the sensation of motion would awaken you. So I tried spinning, and my body disappeared. Everything was white, and I careened at a 30 degree tilt. I knew I was inside my body, but I couldn't feel it. I had the sensation of spinning, but I was looking in a fixed direction while everything else spun. The sensation is similar to spinning while everything else spins twice as fast.

That's when I woke up. Or kind of woke up... I was definitely in a state of disappointment, but I quickly fell asleep again.

That's when the experience repeated. First I convulsed, then I was out of body, then I lost sight of my body, then I was spinning, and I woke up again. This time I fell asleep without any recall of events that followed.

When I woke up for real that morning, I completely forgot about it. I only remembered it as I was listening to music hours later. The experience came back to me slowly, and it only occured to me later that it was the weirdest dream of my life. It was very fun, and I wish it would've lasted longer.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21404
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2003Views: 12,526
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