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Urine Additive Success
AZ Urine Additive
Citation:   Deducer. "Urine Additive Success: An Experience with AZ Urine Additive (exp2151)". Jun 26, 2000.

The one and only time I had to take a piss test, I used an additive product (the vial of liquid you pour into your urine sample). It worked. At least I believe so because the company who tested me never said anything again. However, I wanted to know for sure, so I began asking the Human Resources person for my test results, and surprise, surprise---they stonewalled me and would not give them to me. My OWN test results!! Can you believe that? They acted like I needed to subpoena them if I wanted my own test results, and indeed I probably would have had to. But most relevant to this thread is that I had only stopped smoking for about three days before taking the test, so it appeared to be very effective. At that time, it was a clear, slightly viscous liquid, but nowadays it's a white powder that apparently dissolves just fine.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2151
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 47,158
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