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Euphoric & Efficient
Citation:   Anonymous. "Euphoric & Efficient: An Experience with 4-methylaminorex (exp2153)". Jun 26, 2000.

10 mg smoked 4-Methylaminorex (powder / crystals)
It is most likely available in larger urban areas, but is quite uncommon. You need to be pretty well connected to get it.

Boiling point is very low. You can smoke it by placing about 10 mg on aluminum foil, and holding a lighter under the foil to warm it. It vaporizes into a white cloud, and you suck the smoke through a tube or something to help catch all the smoke. It comes in a white powder, and looks similar to good white heroin. I think it would be hard to aldulterate, unless you adulterated it with something that also vaporized very easily. Ie, if you aldulterated it with sugar, the Aminorex would evaporate first, then the sugar would just burn, and you would be aware that you got burned.

Not many side effects. If you do a large amount for several days you can get diareaha. Nothing too severe though. A bit of dry mouth is common after smoking it. I also started to get a sore throat after smoking for a solid week.

I developed somewhat of a tolerance after 4-5 days of constant use. A few days off, and the tolerance seemed to disappear. My brain was so clear when I used this, that I came up with answers to problems that had been bugging me for months. This stuff makes your brain work at 100% efficiency and doubles processor speed. It makes you feel (and probably actually does) like your IQ jumped quite a bit. It is kind of a bummer not doing it at the moment because my brain feels so slow now in comparison to before. A gram would last you anywhere from a week to a month depending on how much you do. I estimate one hit at 10 mg, so a gram would give you 100 hits. 2 hits makes you feel alert. 5 hits makes you euphoric and will let you stay up all night long without feeling the leat bit tired. Sleep will never even occur to you. Do 2 more hits in the morning before work, and you will never miss the sleep from the night before. As a matter of fact, you will feel better than if you had skipped the drug and slept all night!


Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 2153
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 31,030
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4-Methylaminorex (56) : Alone (16), General (1)

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