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It's All About Timing or Maybe Dose?
Citation:   SUREFOOT. "It's All About Timing or Maybe Dose?: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp21714)". Feb 17, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:30 20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
Over the last few years I have been a huge fan of oxycodone/hydrocodone. I have used it on many occasions even though it is impossible to get in Canada on the street and doctors don't hand it out like they do in the States. My story starts about 11am on a Tuesday morning. I was bored and new I was going to go to the auto-show in a few hours and figured that the addition of oxycontin would make the show that much more enjoyable. I sat at my desk and crushed up a 40mg pill and seperated the pill casing from the white powder like substance. I snorted approximately half and waited a few minutes for it to take ahold of me.

By 11:20am things were beautiful, I was buzzed, not out of my mind but I felt it in me. I waited for my friend to call to let me know what time we were going. The day was to start at about 12:30pm. Right before then I snorted the other half thinking I wasn't gone enough.

Now I do consider myself an intermediate user of oxycodone, I have done it many times and know my limits. My friend picked me up and off we went to the show. Upon entering I started to feel nautious, more so than usual. It came on quick and I had to stop walking around for a good 3 minutes and catch myself. Usually if I feel nautious I would just lie down and it would subside. This was intense so I rested a minute and it faded.

A few hours later the buzz was wearing off but still there. I started to get a very intense headache. I ended up leaving the show early to go home to take some tylenol (which didn't work). I realized that this headache was due to the drugs in my system and wasn't going to go away. Unfortunately I had to use my last 20mg Oxycontin pill to take away the headache long enough so I could just fall asleep.

Lucky for me, I woke up fine the next morning. There are a few opinions I'd like to should point out:

- The high is amazing (floating, calm, tingly, itchy, euphoria), it is best enjoyed lying on the couch, or watching a movie. Nothing to active

- The addictive properties are quite clear and were clear to me from the beginning. I am a recreational user of this drug but I can totally understand people becoming addicted to it.

I hope this was useful to people. I hope everything was covered. The drug is amazing. The only other drugs I have done were small dosages of weed, 'E', alcohol, but I must say the most fun I have is prescription medication. Unfortunately not the easiest to get.



Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2020Views: 1,141
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Oxycodone (176) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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