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A Collection of Valerian Reports
Citation:   Various. "A Collection of Valerian Reports: An Experience with Valerian (exp2177)". Jun 26, 2000.

  oral Valerian
Some months ago I bought 30 x 150mg tablets of valerian root. (we can buy it in Finland without prescription or anything for a cost of about 20mk (4$)). First I tried it with small amounts like 150-300mg. Well, got bored because of too slight effects. I also tried crushing the tablets for better/faster effects - nothing. Finally, with a 900mg dosage I felt myself really tired. After all it is a tranquillizer, with pretty shit effects... Blaah.. How can someone feel relaxed after taking such shit, I wonder.. ?!

Don't ever give any of this stuff to a cat. A few years ago a friend of mine had some valerian and his cat got into it. At first she reacted to it like catnip, so he would occasionally give her some. Then she started trying to pull her own head off, whether she was on the valerian or not.

BTW: We smoked the root, and got mildly interesting effects.

From: 51pmytm
Subject: Valerian / Passionflower Extract
Date: Jun 1993

For those who do not believe in the strength of herbs, I purchased some Valerian/Passionflower and would like to offer my personal observations.

WOW! I came home from finals and was exhausted/awake (common for me), so decided to give 2ml of the extract a whirl. I went into a deep sleep for 3 hours and woke up refreshed and mellow.

When I first too Valerian I took a large dose and it knocked me out. I had the most amazing night's sleep that I can remember. The second time I tried it I was in the beginning stages of a panic attack and after I took two pills, about 45 minutes later I was calm and in control of my attack. It didn't make me that tired the second time and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who experiences attacks like this.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2177
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 51,262
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Valerian (48) : General (1), Various (28)

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