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Free Falling into a Psychedelic World
by M.
Citation:   M.. "Free Falling into a Psychedelic World: An Experience with 2C-B (exp2180)". Jun 26, 2000.

25 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
2cb unfortunately is now scheduled. I had the opportunity to experience it about a year ago before scheduling and I'll tell you a bit about it.

A friend of mine and I weighed out 25mg each and proceeded to ingest it via insufflation. Needless to say, it was the most painful annoying long lasting burn I have ever felt. It burned my sinuses and all the way down the back of my throat as I got the 'drips'. My face felt like it was going to fall off. Combine this with virtually instant disorientation and nausea, you get two guys that are scared shitless. I've done my share of excessive hallucinogen doses. But this didn't even come close to comparing to any of them. It felt like we jumped out of a building and were free falling faster and faster into a psychedelic world which didn't seem all that great in lieu of the aforementioned symptoms.

I was actually pretty sure we had OD'd and contemplated calling 911. Unfortunately, I couldn't even make it to the phone if I tried. We had a sober friend watch us and make sure we were physically ok. As the trip picked up speed and intensity, shit got really strange. On most hallucinogens, you can make things move if you stare at em for a bit, but in this world, EVERYTHING is moving and doesn't stop. Which made me start to feel motion sickness. I saw 4 foot flourescent spheres float by with intricate fractal patterns on them. Our 'guide' wasn't all that bright and was flipping tv channels and stopped on True Stories of The Highway Patrol. Not a good thing to watch in this state of mind. We then proceeded to wheel of fortune where I can swear the people were in the middle of the living room and letters were flying by us. The experience was like going from sober to 1000mcg in about 5 minutes. It was actually pretty scary because we both thought we'd finally done it and were gonna die. But we were too tweaked to express it.

About an hour into it, we realized we were going to live and the nausea and burning had for the most part subsided, save the fact that my nose and sinuses were swollen for about 2 days. After about an hour, it gets kind of like an intense LSD trip.. the coolest thing is there is really no analytical game playing as with LSD and you can pretty much discuss what's going on with a good deal of coherence. The effects dropped off pretty rapidly and by the 4 hour mark we felt almost totally sober.

I've done 2cb via capsule and have never had it affect me that way at even 2 and 3 times the dose. It's something I'll never do again because of A. the pain and B. the intensity. It was too much too fast. I might eat it again though if it ever becomes unscheduled ;). I did notice something interesting though. At sea level, a 20 mg dose is pretty mellow... kinda like LSD but feels more like Mescaline. Yet, we also did it at a campground in the mountains 6000 feet up. It took under 20 minutes to hit orally while at sea level it was over an hour. Mind you both times this was done with a full stomach with exactly the same type of food. I thought it curious that it was so much more intense at altitude than sea level and know it wasn't just a fluke situational thing.. any ideas?

Have fun.. good luck and be careful. If you're gonna snort it, be prepared for lots of pain and a 50% chance of hurling. Also, don't do what a guy we know did and call 911 because he thought he was gonna wig out. He got transported to the hospital and by the time he got there about an hour had gone by and it was tolerable. Needless to say, he felt like an idiot. Moral: No matter where you are, hold tight, about an hour into it.. you'll mellow way out.

It's also kinda hard on the body too.. really tweaky. Nice thing about it is, that when it's over, it's over. No lingering head buzzing and loops like the end of an LSD trip where you're no longer hallucinating but are still unable to sleep. This stuff has a really sharp peak and drop off.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2180
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 34,660
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2C-B (52) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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