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Surprised By The Effects And The Tastey Tastey Chicken
PCP & Cannabis
Citation:   Ryan M. "Surprised By The Effects And The Tastey Tastey Chicken: An Experience with PCP & Cannabis (exp21856)". Nov 12, 2017.

  smoked PCP  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This kid I know, John, told me he was going to see his dealer two days ago. Then he asked me if I wanted some weed. I gave him $20 and said, see if she has anything else - anything, I don't care what it is. Yesterday he gave me some hydro dipped in PCP. PCP was one of the few drugs I didn't know a whole lot about. So, I went on a reputable website to see what I was about to take and I looked for some general information (i.e. health side effects, history, etc.).

I got the impression that PCP was very hallucinogenic and that it made you crazy and violent. None the less, I smoked it at 10:00 which is when my parents think I go to bed (usually I watch TV and play guitar until 12:00)

It was nothing like I was told. John told me it makes your body feel really weird and cool. It did have some slight tingling and numbness, but I was expecting the body sensation I got from taking XTC one time. Also, I did not feel aggressive and I did not start acting strangly. The hallucinations were very weak. I only had closed-eye-visuals and some auditory hallucinations that only worked when I concentrated on them. Also, there were some tactile hallucinations. At one point it felt like sweat was rolling down my face and it also felt like I had a hair in my mouth. The tactile hallucinations lasted only a little bit.

I wrote in my journal as I was on PCP and my handwriting was legible and the sentences made sense. The only exception was that I wrote the words 'tastey, tastey chicken' in the middle of it. I wrote this because at the time I thought it would be funny. This was probably a reaction to the pot and not the PCP.

I couldn't feel pain. I kept pinching my self and even slapped my face a few times. Doing that may seem like 'strange behavior' to some people, but not for me. One time when I was like twelve, the dentist gave me too much novacaine and half my face was numb. While in the waiting room (where I was waiting for my mom to finish up her cleaning) I nearly chewed my bottom lip off. That's sort of an exaggeration, but there was quite a bit of blood and I had to get a paper towel so the blood wouldn't soak into my t-shirt.

Anyway - I tried going to sleep at 12:00. I usually have trouble going to sleep high on pot, but I did have a lot of trouble sleeping. I was half-concious all throughout the night, which is abnormal for me. At about 12:30 I got a really bad headache. At the time I blamed it on the PCP. At the time I thought it may have been caused by my hypoglycemia (sp?). It was pretty bad, but I'm still not sure what caused it because I still had color in my cheeks. People who are having a hypoglycemia attack turn extremely pale and loose all color in their face. This morning I still had a little bit of a headache. Though, two Tylenol completely cure it.

All and all it was a good change of pace, but if the headache was caused by the PCP, I don't think I'll do it again. It wasn't unbearable, but I didn't like it. Perhaps the headache was caused by withdrawl - the brain trying to adjust to its new lack of pain by sending out more pain signals. Then as the PCP wore off, I had more pain signals than usual but not the anaesthetic effects of the PCP. I really don't know.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2017Views: 942
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Cannabis (1), PCP (113) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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