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Uh...I Have a Cold
Citation:   walking revolution. "Uh...I Have a Cold: An Experience with DXM (exp21882)". Mar 7, 2003.

  oral DXM (liquid)
i have been traveling into the world of dxm a little more often recently and i think this might be due to the fact that dxm is indeedly mildly addictive...i have found myself trying to make excuses for myself like oh im coughing better get a bottle of vicks 44 cough.....and tend to trip often in secret of my friends...cuz they tend to give me the you have a drug problem kick....which is true i do have a mild one which i plan to fix (yea sounds like more addict talk right) ...but anyways...doin dxm is fine and i enjoy my 'strange' reaction to it...most dxm users i have seen become catatonic (when space and time permits) am bouncing off the walls ravin with glow stix on strings i would say this might be because many E pills i have taken have had DXM in its possible i associate the two chemically.

yea so my advice is...TRIP! however dont use that often....mostly because a tolerance builds up and its not as good once that happens...

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21882
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2003Views: 20,370
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DXM (22) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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