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Bula Bula
Citation:   Sir Heronton. "Bula Bula: An Experience with Kava (exp21905)". Dec 20, 2007.

64 oz oral Kava (tea)
My first time trying Kava and I must say a very pleasent time it was.

I started out at 7:00 (on an empty stomach) with 4 Tablespoons of Kava (Hawiian grown Mahakea) to 32 oz. of water and 3 TBS of olive oil in the blender for 4 min. and strained it through a nylon paint strainer. Drank 16 oz. of the mud like liquid and felt my mouth go numb and waited 10 min and drank another 16 oz. It was after this second glass that the effects started to creep up on me.

After 20 min I drank another 16 oz and was definately feeling relaxed and euphoric. Another 20 min and I drank another 16 oz. The effects are quite nice and I feel like talking so I call my brother. I feel a since of well being it's a lot like a mild valium buzz.

It's 10:00 and I feel like getting in the hot tub for a while. I like this Kava. I think I'll be trying this again, maybe a little stronger mix next time.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21905
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2007Views: 9,125
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Kava (30) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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