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Definately a Different Kind of Drug
5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis
by Foxy
Citation:   Foxy. "Definately a Different Kind of Drug: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis (exp21909)". Sep 24, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:30 3.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]

A friend of ours had told us about this new pill called 'Foxy'. After reading up about it, me and my boyfriend decided to try it. The substance itself were sold in capsules. The people that sold this did not have a specific mg in each capsule. They had eyeballed it. We bought one capsule, emptied the contents, and decided to divide into a few different piles. We tried just a little bit at first, only 2-3mg each. We had a friend that was in pharmacy school and he helped us measure it ourselves. The powder looked liked it had pieces of glitter and a foul smell. We decided to mix it with a drink. I mixed mine with Fruit Soda. We also also bought some Immodium AD since we had heard about the diarrhea part and ate those right before we took the drug.

11:30pm-Emptied the 2-3mg of Foxy into my drink, and down the hatch! Yuck, it tasted horrible, and the taste stuck in my mouth for about an hour.

11:50pm-Went into the bathroom and threw up. I started getting horrible cramps. My bf had some cramps too, but only dry heaved. My heart was beating really fast, like I had just done a bunch of speed. I was also very jittery. Noticed that everything looked 'different'. I don't really know how to describe, it's like nothing looked read.

12:00am-Decided to walk around. I noticed everything took on a reddish tint, like it does when I'm on LSD. Walking was a hard task. I felt like I was walking through fluff. My stomach was still hurting, so we decided to call a friend to bring us some cannabis.

12:20am-Threw up again, this time long and hard.

12:30am-Felt horrible. Everything looked like there was a wave underneath everything, pushing it up and then going back down. Everything breathed.

12:45am-Started to feel a little better but still only laid in bed.

1:30am-Cannabis arrived! We got an eighth of some very nice nugs, kb. We packed a few bowls and smoked. I immediately felt better so we decided to take more of the foxy.

2:00am-We split up the remainder of the pill (about 3-4mg each) and put each pile into capsules (this way we didn't have to taste it!) and done the hatch it went!

2:30am-3:30am-I don't really remember when exactly the drug hit me this time. All I remember is all of sudden I felt weird. I felt almost like I was tripping. The walls had that yellowish tinge and looked like it was alive like it does when I'm on LSD. We put on the TV. At first I thought that the TV was broken, as everyone on the television looked fake. Real people looked like puppets. Some people looked like they had smaller heads than their bodies, other people looked like they were too skinny, others looked like they had bloated bodies, and no one looked real. They all looked like they were puppets, or wearing costumes. I looked around, and felt like I was in a different dimension. I was sitting on my couch, in my living room, yet I felt like I wasn't in that room on that couch.

3:30am-Decided to go in my room by myself for a bit. I noticed that some things had patterns, like a trip. But no real bright colors, and if I closed my eyes, I didn't see anything but darkness, no colors. Also, different rooms had different hues to them. The hallway looked like it was glowing blue, my room looked like it was glowing red, and the kitchen looked like it was glowing orange. I laid down and felt like I was floating. I could hear my boyfriend in the living room (right down the hall) talking to our friend, but sound was distorted. Sometimes I could hear exactly what they were saying, and sometimes their voices were muffled, and sometimes I couldn't hear anything at all. Sometimes I would hear this high pitched tone that wouldn't go away. I had to get up and leave the room and come back.

4:00am-Went back to the living room, and my boyfriend and our friend both didn't look real either. Not just the people on TV, but the people in the room too! They looked fake, like puppets. We turned to cartoons (they looked normal), and everything we saw, me and my bf overanalyzed. We were watching Tom & Jerry, and thought it was so horrible that the dog was chasing the cat. We couldn't believe that parents let kids watch this stuff!

4:20am-Our friend went home and we retired to the bedroom.

4:30am-7:30am-We watched Rush Hour, some South Park episodes, ate some popcorn, apples, and got ready for bed like we were normal. Everything still had a reddish tint but we felt like we were coming down somewhat. It wasn't too hard following the movies we watched, but sometimes we got confused. The two guys that always introduce the South Park episdoes on the videos confused us for a while, we couldn't figure out where they came from.

7:45am-Passed out. Don't really remember falling asleep. Just remember feeling somewhat tired, but still pretty jittery. I didn't think I could actually fall asleep. But I did!

Now it's the next night. Me and my bf awoke a few time during the day, but got up at 6pm. We still feel a little different, like everything's still a little off. But we feel fine. We went out to eat Chinese, and are getting ready to go to a friends kegger. I really liked this drug, I would advise not swalling it without it in a capsule. I like the immodium helped too b/c we didn't get diarrhea at all, but I felt like I needed to go anyway, just nothing would come out. We took a very small dosage and had fun!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21909
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2007Views: 5,835
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : First Times (2), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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