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Everything and Everywhere
by god
Citation:   god. "Everything and Everywhere: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp21979)". Jan 20, 2004.

7.0 mg oral 2C-T-2 (pill / tablet)
It was 12:33 AM. I was at a party. hours earlier I had taken what I thought to be mescaline, but which was either a mini-thin ephedrine pill or nothing at all.

somebody came up to me and offered me some mescaline. I was like 'wow' and bought two pills. but, upon inspecting the pills, they looked shady, so instead of me and my boyfriend taking one each, we split one. this pill, I later learned was not mescaline at all, but 2c-t-2. This would have been my first time taking mescaline, but instead it was my first time taking 2c-t-2. But I didn't find that out until my trip was almost over.
about 30 minutes after ingestion, me and my boyfriend began to feel sick. he has a strong stomach, and I have a weak one, so naturally, I was the one who ended up throwing up. About 45 minutes after ingestion, before I puked, I began to trip. It was a come up like acid, that just HITS. One minute I'm bleh, and the next minute I'm TRIPPING, that kind of come up. It was so intense. Except for feeling sick, I didn't really have a body high at that point, but I was hallucinating. I saw acid-like visuals (colored patterns and the like) as well as incredibly alien visuals that I have never experienced on any other drug. The ground and walls became three dimensional and moved and bumped upward.

I was standing in a bathroom stall, knowing I was going to puke, and on the wall above the toilet, I saw two of my friends faces and heard their voices. I was hit with an overwhelming sensation and exclaimed that I could see everything! Lights were flashing out of the sides of my vision. About 50 minutes to an hour after ingestion I threw up. I had practically no food in my stomach, so it was a painful dry heave, but after I finished I felt so much better. That's when the body high began to kick in. I could feel myself being pulled out of my body toward a corner of the ceiling. I felt as if I was floating. I told my friends that I was 'so high' meaning it in two ways: high on drugs and high above the ground. I hallucinated things from story books I read when I was little. I felt almost no unpleasant side effects, other than being sick in the beginning. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

I felt very empathetic, as if on ecstasy, but did not have any of the stupidity or thoughtlessness attributed to mdma. On the contrary, my mind raced with thoughts about life and people and other subjects. I was incredibly happy. This drug had some feelings similar to ecstasy and acid, but in general was a TOTALLY new and wonderful experience to me. It had a few amphetamine qualities as well, but this was not intense. I did not grind my teeth or feel the urge to move at all. I was just very talkative, no longer tired, and I had a suppressed apprtite, which is still a bit apparrnt (about 20 hours after ingestion.) It did not feel like any tryptamines I have taken (amt, foxy) at all. I hardly moved the whole night, except to go to the bathroom and get stuff out of my backpack, but I was in full control of my motor skills and could walk perfectly. The one annoying and strange part of the trip was that me and my boyfriend both hallucinated our skin being a strange shade of greenish yellow.

Another part of it that bothered me was that during the peak of the trip, I would feel like I was coming up even more. I wouldn't have minded being any higher, which didn't actually happen, I just really don't like the feeling of coming up and it was incredibly overwhelming. I saw so many indescribable things. At one point I told my boyfriend I was in 6 places at once. The one place that I really remember 'being at' was a park I like to hang out at occasionally. I wanted to record my experience because I felt like I needed to remember what I was thinking. Everything was so important and new. What I ended up writing wasn't very coherent or understandable to most, but I will post it here anyway:

This is the happiest day of my life.
Everything is good. Life is so good!

Electric drugs.
Mescaline [2c-t-2] is electric psilocybin.
I keep coming up.
But what R**** sold me was FAKE.
F A K E.
I can hear my thoughts. Everyhing is so crazy but organized at the same time.
The crazy guy was right.
Tomorrow morning everything will change...for you.
This is so much better than anything.
Except the yellow!
^It is confusing.
They were discusing the water.
(squggly lines)
CRAZY People!
(attempt to draw a pattern I hallucinate often on most drugs I do) I can't

The come down was gradual. It just slowly faded away and was not bad or depressing at all. The only bad after effect was a fairly strong headache, but that may also been because of lack of sleep/lack of food. I did not feel 'e-tarded' at all. The overall trip lasted about 5 hours, with some lingering hallucinations until I went to sleep about 8 hours after ingestion.

my boyfriend, oddly, had a completely different trip than me. He wasnt as high as I was, even though he took the bigger half, and described it as 'the perfect mix of ecstasy and dxm' but more complex. He practically did not hallucinate at all, but he generally does not, even from lsd.

As I stated before, this was a truly wonderful and enlightening experience. I think it helped me see life in a more positive light. I would recommend 2c-t-2, but not as a party drug. I also think this drug may be slightly dehydrating, so be careful of that.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21979
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2004Views: 11,962
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2C-T-2 (53) : Glowing Experiences (4), What Was in That? (26), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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