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Permanently Fried
Citation:   Dazer. "Permanently Fried: An Experience with Cannabis (exp21997)". Mar 11, 2003.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
I've been smoking bud for about 3 or 4 years now. Within the last year, I’ve been smoking pretty much daily. I also love to trip. Besides bud, I've done mushrooms, acid, DXM, ecstasy, speed, tranqs, pain killers, nitrous, LSA, salvia, and plenty of prescription pills. So it's safe to say I’m something of a vet with these sort of things. Whenever I smoke pot, however, I get this kind of vision that my friends and I have dubbed 'pixel vision'. It's kind of like what I see when I look extremely close to a television screen, but on everything. Everything has pixels like walls (especially white), ceilings, floors, everything. I love it. When I do other drugs with bud, it magnifies the pixels.

Somewhere over a year ago, I began to notice that I didn't need pot to see these pixels anymore. I can see them on most things even when I’m not stoned. I have permanent pixel vision and I think it's one of the funnest things ever. It doesn't distract or harm me in any way, except when I’m bored I can look at a wall or carpet design and it looks like it would when I’m stoned. Smoking pot makes it more prominent, but I’ve noticed that if I've smoked pot the night before (which is most of the time), the pixel vision the next day is more prominent than if I hadn't.

Is this because of all of the drugs I’ve taken over the last 4 years? Maybe. I'd mostly attribute this to pot, though. Have I permanently fried my vision? Not necessarily. I still have better eye sight than a lot of my non-drug friends (I can read farther away signs and stuff). But there's definitely something not normal about my vision.

The main reason I’m writing this is because I’ve never come across anyone else with this. Even my drug buddies don't really know what I’m talkin about. The only reason they understand is because they see it when they're stoned, but not sober like me. So, if anyone else has this condition, you’re not alone. I say enjoy it!

Just be safe and happy trails!

p.s. For anyone wondering, my short term memory is pretty much shot. But i think that's funny... :)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21997
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2003Views: 36,929
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Cannabis (1) : HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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