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Not the Nicest Way to Get Cranked Up
Citation:   speedy gonzales. "Not the Nicest Way to Get Cranked Up: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp22000)". Aug 10, 2018.

  smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
Being a european (spanish), the opportunities to do meth aren't as numerous as I'd like them to be. I only had the chance to do meth once before, when a friend of mine (J) brought some from america, when he went to see his parents. I had a great experience, I don't really know how much I did, because my friend didn't gave me powder, he gave me 2 capsules with some meth in it, a pretty good dose per capsule. But I won't talk much about this experience, as there are already lots of meth-experiences reported here. I'd just like to say a few diferences between meth and regular amphetamines (which I do maybe 2 times per month, always orally).

Meth is less of a body high, less physically stimulating than amphetamines, but it is way more psicologically stimulating, giving a 'warmer' feeling, I'd say that the feeling is somewhat between amphetamines and MDMA, though closer to amphetamines. And, of course, it lasts longer.

The experience I'd like to tell you happened a few months ago, when I was on vacations and J invited me to go with him to L.A., visit his parents. Once in L.A., on our third day there, I was introduced to J's brother and some friends of his. They were middle-class people, but all of us (me, J, his brother and his brother's friends) shared the same love for getting high, as well as for litterature, poetry, psicollogy, etc. I always thought that stimulants like amphetamines (and mainly cocaine) have a huge pottential for opening one's mind and discussing cultural topics. And as we were in L.A., the 'city of meth' as they called it, I suggested that we should get together in J's brother apartement, do some meth and spend the night talking. We decided to do it that night.

When me and J got there, all of them were waiting for us to start. The guys there said that they were going to smoke their meth. I had never smoked meth, neither did J, we were both fans of oral amphetamines. However, we wanted to socialise and we both agreed with smoking it like everyone else. They all smoked first, from a glass pipe, and said that the meth was very good. When it got to my turn, J's brother loaded the pipe with a somewhat small quantity of meth, lit it and I smoked. The taste wasn't as bad as I thought, but wasn't pleasant and was a bit harsh, but bearable. Nothing compared with the taste of heroin. I felt an instant warmth spreading through my body, and felt somewhat lighter, but it wasn't very intense. I was hoping that it would be a blast, like smoking cocaine. But no, it wasn't even nearly as rushy as taking meth in a capsule.
I was hoping that it would be a blast, like smoking cocaine. But no, it wasn't even nearly as rushy as taking meth in a capsule.
My mind started to work faster, my thoughts become clearer, but I wasn't feeling it very much and I asked for more. They said 'OK', but they told me that whenever they did meth in a house, they would start low and then take small hits through the night. They appreciated the act of smoking, and I respected that and waited. We started talking, talking about books, then about fillosophy, psycollogy, pollitics, etc. etc. etc.. Conversations were flowing very easy and nicely, and whenever we felt like it, we'd load the pipe and take a hit.

Well... I ended up taking some large hits, because I wanted to get higher and higher, and never felt sattisfied. It was a bit like doing coke: the more I snorted, the more I wanted. It took some large hits for me to realise that I was VERY high, that I couldn't stand still, that I was thinking about a million thoughts per minute, etc., and I was starting to feel really anxious. I took the wise decision that I'd better stop smoking, because I was higher than I'd like to be. We continued talking through the night until it was morning and I eventually started to feel better as the meth concentration in my body was diminishing, until I started to crash.

The comedown was harder than the one I'd experienced when I did meth orally, but that may be because I had more meth. And speed comedowns are easy to solve: it just takes a few valiums, a whisky and a joint, and that's how I solved it.

Overall, smoking meth isn't a bad feeling at all, but it isn't nearly as rushy as taking it orally or snorting it (I snorted meth two days after this experience and really liked it). It is softer and smoother and less emphatic. The advantages are that we can feel the drug entering our body, and of course, the act of smoking it has its charm, but it isn't for a person with compulsive behaviours with drugs like myself. It may be good for a person with good self-control, but it isn't for me, I'll just smoke myself until I get totally fucked up like I did that night. For me, is oral meth all the way.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 22000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 10, 2018Views: 3,162
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Methamphetamine (37) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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