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Digging a Little Deeper
by 77k
Citation:   77K. "Digging a Little Deeper: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp2202)". Jun 27, 2000.

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29 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
This past weekend, I gave 2C-T-7 another try. My first trip, at 30mg, was a serious ass-kicker. I had a completely empty stomach, started with a high dose, had some nasty nausea, and then I was stunned by the most intense visuals I've ever seen. It was almost too much. This time, I decided to take a little less, 29mg (ooh, a whole milligram!)

The big difference between this time and last time was that I had three scrambled eggs with cheese about 80 minutes before I dosed. I was insanely hungry. I had to eat something. I hoped that my ravenous body would take care of those eggs ASAP, leaving a mostly empty stomach, but I'm guessing that didn't happen.

19:05 (T+ 0:00) - Eat gelcap. Still remembering how tasty those eggs were. I hope they're gone.

20:15 (T+ 1:10) - Starting to notice the first hints of something visual, like last time.

20:25 (T+ 1:20) - Hmm. Maybe I was imagining it.

21:00 (T+ 1:55) - What the fuck? I feel like I ate a quarter tab of shitty acid. There is just this hint of something trippy, but I can't put my finger on it.

21:30 (T+ 2:25) - Major frustration. Damn those eggs! I don't feel any different from an hour and a half ago.

22:05 (T+ 3:00) - The thought crosses my mind to take some more. This seems like a bad idea.

22:30 (T+ 3:25) - Praise Shulgin, I'm seeing some more persistence of vision. It's about time. Very similar to last time. Moving things leave trails and lights sparkle, but there are no classic psychedelic visuals yet.

23:05 (T+ 4:00) - Yes, four hours have passed. I finally start to feel an increasing body energy. It's a combination of stimulation and a sort of 'pressure', sort of like an increase in muscle awareness. I notice that I'm moving a little more deliberately, slowly and carefully. This will continue for the rest of the trip.

23:40 (T+ 4:35) - Visuals are starting to pick up now. They're coming on more slowly and are less intense than last time. Similar in structure: occasional double images, lights appear multiple times and fly around. The trails that moving objects leave behind are surprisingly complex. 2C-T-7 seems to have the strongest persistence of vision that I've seen on any psychedelic. When I close my eyes, the image I was seeing stays for a VERY long time. Nearly a second before I notice any real degradation of the image, and then as it fades away it starts to morph into the fabric of CEVs.

0:10 (T+ 5:05) - We're going to head over to a friend's house. I think I've reached the peak. This peak is not as strong as last time by any means. But it is still a very enjoyable state to be in. The visuals are still excellent, and my mind is very clear. There is a lot of color rippling over almost every surface. I feel like I want to shy away from public view. I'm fine chilling with friends, but I feel less able to be in public on 2C-T-7 than I think I would on other psychedelics. I would probably enjoy this in an environment like a rave. But while I can buy groceries on LSD, I don't think I'd want to on 2C-T-7. I'd probably be fine if I did... but the desire to stay away is stronger here.

Time passes... slowly. This is the peak and I have a great time at my friend's house. I'm a little withdrawn. I enjoy sitting down and just absorbing the environment rather than walking around or talking to other people. Excellent visuals. Not much audio change. My head is still very clear. But maybe that's because I'm in an environment with lights and noise, and I can't (and don't want to) close my eyes and drift off.

01:30 (T+ 6:25) - The time has come for the serious smoking. We prepare a bowl with a bed of bud and a huge glob of about 10% of a bomb-ass heptane extraction of 1.5 ounces of midgrade.

02:00 (T+ 6:55) - About three bong hits each of that heptane extract has just about leveled every person in the room. I'm now in that contemplative, sedate psychedelic veg-out mode you get once you're extremely stoned. Pot often puts my brain in a state of 'novelty', where I see and hear things as if it's the first time I've seen or heard them. The 2C-T-7 visuals are still strong, but now the pot is contributing a powerful tryptamine-type effect. More morphing, smearing and perspective changes. Faces change.

Let me reflect on the effects of pot for a second. One thing I've noticed recently about my stoned state of mind is that, if I consciously think to, I can see with a new pair of eyes. While most drugs let you see things differently due both to simple visual alterations and also due to the way that visual input integrates with memory, pot lets me see the world around me as if it were a fantasyland, in a uniquely strong and clear way. Imagine how you view the city in Blade Runner, or the lands of The Diamond Age by Stephenson. It is fantasy; every detail invented only in the mind of the author or the reader. Imagine what it would be like to be living in the city of Blade Runner. When very high, I can walk out on the street and see the view in front of me, and I feel like I am in the middle of this fantasyland. I can see how the seemingly mundane world I live in could just as easily be the wildest fantasy of some other person or being. Just as I might want to experience the imaginary city of Blade Runner, someone else might want to experience their imaginary world - which is actually my real world. As I ride along the road through the huge steel superstructure of an elevated highway, I realize that, to someone unfamiliar with my world, the car I'm in and the hugely complex system of roads I'm on is just as fascinating as the world my mind creates when I read The Diamond Age. I would want to explore one of these new worlds, if I were ever able to enter one. Then I realize that I'm already in a world that I've only explored the very fringes of. It makes me appreciate how little I know about the real city I live in, and how I've never just walked around the streets to see what's really here. Wow.

Now, as I sit here on 2C-T-7, baked off my ass, I have a sudden appreciation for the kind of experience I'm having. It feels very authentic, to use a phenomenological term.

2:30 (T+ 7:25) - Time to leave.

2:40 (T+ 7:35) - We get back. The only other person around, who drove me, decides to go to sleep. Damn. I'm still tripping and very stoned, so I might as well listen to some music. The choice is Underworld: Second Toughest In The Infants.

2:55 (T+ 7:50) - Ahh... now that I finally had time to sit down in a trippily-lit room with good speakers, I can hear 2C-T-7's nice music effects. I'm coming down a bit already, but I can still feel myself start floating in my chair, and I'm drawn into the music in a way that's sort of a cross between LSD and 2C-B. Occasional blurry images form behind my closed eyelids, but there's not much there. Mostly pot-induced noise and some 2C-T-7 fractals. Of course the music is incredible.

3:30 (T+ 8:25) - I am exhausted. Still ridiculously stoned. The album is about done and I can tell that I've definitely come down a lot since it started. Now I lay down on the couch to get to sleep.

4:20 (T+ 9:15) - It's 4:20. The bong is just an arm's length away... but no. I don't want to move that far.

5:10 (T+ 10:05) - I finally get to sleep.

The first time I took 2C-T-7 I was so amazed by the visuals that I didn't spend much time looking at what else it was doing to me. This time, especially when I was listening to music, I could pay more attention to how my mind was working and how my thoughts were progressing. I recognized some more fundamental twisting of thoughts and emotions this time than last, almost reminiscent of LSD or even MDA. There's something of substance deep within the 2C-T-7. I'd really like to sit down and listen to music and watch the CEVs next time when I'm peaking, instead of as I'm coming down.

Another thing I noticed is that the initial persistence of vision effects that start well before the rest of the trip starts seems to be a unique characteristic of 2C-T-7. No other drug that I've taken causes a subtle initial visual change, then just sits there for at least an hour until more stuff starts happening. The persistence is surprisingly strong and obvious, given how early it starts in relation to the rest of the effects. But my mind is still clear and there are no other alterations at all.

I am pretty sure that those high-fat eggs and cheese were responsible for the four and a half hour delay before I peaked. It has been said that 2C-T-7 is very sensitive to how empty your stomach is. If I'm right about those eggs, then it really is SUPER sensitive. Do yourself a favor and make sure your stomach is empty.

I feel like 2C-T-7 is kinda hard on my body but I keep wanting to do it again. It's hard to say if this is body load is a 'bad' thing, or if it is simply a benign characteristic of the drug. At times it feels like it's in the way, and other times it feels like just a part of the experience. Sounds like what some people say about DOB, which I haven't tried (yet). I also can't exactly put my finger on why I like 2C-T-7 so much, but I do. Maybe because while you're under its influence, you're absolutely convinced that this is what a real psychedelic experience is like. To me, 5-MeO-DIPT just feels like something is wrong... incorrect... as if something is missing. TFMPP, yuck... you can tell it's psychedelic, but what is there that's worthwhile in the trip? DPT whacks you out without making it clear what's really going on. AMT jacks you up on that alpha-methyl stimulation and turns uo the noise level on your retinas, but it's not clear where you can go in this state. But 2C-T-7... great visuals, fitting all the archetypes of the psychedelic experience, a body feeling that gives you a taste of the out-of-body experience, and a clear enough head that you can appreciate it all. Great stuff.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2000Views: 6,515
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2C-T-7 (54) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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