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Ease of Mind
Citation:   Raven. "Ease of Mind: An Experience with Poppies (exp22110)". Mar 14, 2003.

  oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
After buying some opium poppies I decided to make some tea.

The preperation was pretty easy. I took 5 pods and removed the stalks. Next i opened them up and threw away the poppy seeds. The dry pods were then crushed into tiny pieces using a pestle and mortar but any crushing device will do the trick. I then simply boiled the kettle and poured it onto the crushed pods with some lemon juice to aid alkaloid extraction.

I let this brew sit for fifteen minutes in a mug, stirring occassionally.

My mindset before the experience was ultra relaxed. I had given up smokin' weed a week previously and was absolutely sober.

I'd read awful things about the foul taste of poppy tea but after adding lots of honey and cinamon it tasted surprisingly innofensive.

After half an hour my limbs felt heavier, as if gravity itself had increased its hold on me. Mentally it gave me ease of mind. There was no nausea and the feeling was wholly pleasent. Very subtle and similar to marijuana but without the 'mong'. I can't imagine anyone getting paranoid on it. The feeling wore off about 5 hours later but conversation was no problem and i was able to eat a little later on.

I can see how it could become a nasty habit though.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22110
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2003Views: 23,550
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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