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Better than Medical Anxiolytics
Citation:   Phenomenon. "Better than Medical Anxiolytics: An Experience with Brunfelsia (exp22143)". Mar 8, 2007.

10 leaves oral Brunfelsia spp. (fresh)
I decided to try chewing the leaves of a plant in my girlfriend’s garden. I experienced a calming effect beginning after about fifteen minutes. I suffer from lower back pain which to a large extent is aggravated by an anxiety disorder I've had for 7 years now. I have tried many antidepressants, anxiolytics and pain killers and nothing has worked as good as chewing Brunfelsia Grandiflora.

I experience virtually zero drowsiness, which is a major negative aspect of most anxiolytics. For about two hours after the stuff first kicks in I am 95% plus pain free in my back. This happens every time I chew even when I have done major exercise which usually gives me severe muscle pain. Cognitively speaking it makes me very focused on the task at hand. This is a great advantage for someone with Post traumatic stress disorder due to the negative and fatigue related effects of hypervigilance. I also sleep like a baby every night after I've chewed some.

At present I am taking no pain killers, which hasn't happened for about 5 years now. I also have no need for my anxiolytics at present. I experience no memory problems, in fact my memory [short term] hasn't been this good in years - probably related to decreased anxiety. I experience myself as much more sociable and do not get irritated by the stupid little things that I used to get irritated by.

There is no trip involved in this drug.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22143
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2007Views: 25,336
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Brunfelsia spp. (146) : Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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